Exercising in the office

Can anyone recommend a good app to remind you to get moving every 30 minutes or so in the office? I found one, but some of the "exercises" are go play outside or plank for 60 seconds. Nothing wrong with either, but difficult to do when you're in the office in a dress and heels!

Thank you!


  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I don't know of an app, but some of the fitness trackers (Jawbone Up, etc) have alarms you can set where if you haven't moved in awhile it will vibrate and remind you to get up. Kind of an expensive investment just to remind you to move at work, lol, but if you were ever considering something like that anyway it might be a point to take into consideration.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Just set a phone alarm or memo on your computer's calendar to remind you to get up and move every hour. The important thing is to be up and moving. What you do in that time is up to you really.
  • Lori1472
    Lori1472 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you. I have a Fitbit - didn't think about that! :)