Completely exhausted

Over the last week or so, after not really seeing the scale move, I decided that I could 'up' my calories a tad and see what that did. I do follow an average of Scoobie and IIFYM/TDEE, so I do not eat back calories. Finally, the scale moved!

Buuuut, I did my stronglifts on Sunday and was exhausted...was able to move up on my squats, but had to de-load on my deadlifts. I chalked this up to lifting after a spin class since I usually lift on Saturday, but was not able to this past weekend.

On Monday, I was a little less energized at kickboxing, but not bad.

Tuesday I typically do a spin class followed by 55 minute long class with 3 stations- TRX, Kettlebells, and Medicine Ball- and you do 15 minutes at each station, plus warmup/cooldown. So at last night's class I felt almost TRXing wasn't up to par and I just had no energy.

Just not sure if it could be due to some eating habits, or I just need a break....or too much weight work in a row?

Any thoughts or insight?