Lawyer and mom of 3 under 6 looking for support



  • Erica_L_C
    Erica_L_C Posts: 3
    Hi Kathy! So happy to read your post. I am a working mom too with 3.5 year old twin boys. I am also juggling career and weight loss. I did quite well losing a lot of the baby weight but had hernia surgery back in December 2013 and couldn't exercise for several weeks. Lo and behold I gained about 15 pounds which I am now trying to lose :smile:
  • Dooney_Diva
    Let me first say, that you are a LOT braver than me. I only have one and he keeps me busy. I also just joined and have been slowly navigating my way through. If you need someone to talk to or to motivate you I am here. I have another 46 pounds to lose of pregnancy weight and not healthy eating weight, and it seems this is the place for helpful people.

    You can add me if you want to......
  • djfesq
    djfesq Posts: 5 Member

    Add me! I am a lawyer and a mom of two under the age of 4! WE can support each other. Good luck on your journey.