Fueling strategy tips for endurance running

I just entered a 50K trail run (5 mile loop) near my home for this weekend. I do not expect to finish but it looks like a lot of fun and I will do my best to enjoy and complete 4 loops. I would appreciate your tips about fueling strategy. There will be 2 aid stations on the loop and they are providing a lot of food ( potatoes, salt, bananas, oranges, corn chips, potato chips, gus, coca cola, pb and j, and more. also energy drink).

I am really not sure about how many calories to ingest (I'm 5'5, 120 lbs) and I know fueling strategy is something to test out when training but I didn't really train for this per se. Typically when I've done endurance running I have not had solid food but gels. My impulse is to stick with gels and have bananas and if I want it some PBJ. I will bring some pretzels for salt.

I'd love a list of your "DO" and "DON'T" tips for fueling. THANKS!
