Controlling Hunger



  • MzFyreKitty
    The more that I gave up "junk" food, the more I found myself craving fresh, healthy, low calorie foods. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies. I always hated celery and would pick it out of my fattening foods (like stuffing/dressing) but now I crave the stuff. Instead of eating candy, cookies, cake, pie for dessert.. I crave a few blueberries or grapes or some cubes of cantaloupe. I also drink loads of water. I get in over 100 oz a day.
  • RobertHButler
    The first thing you have to realize is that this hunger is psychological for things that are toxic to your body. just like nicotine. You probably never experience true hunger in your life time. the secret is to resist like it's poison, which it is the way it effects and damages your body. just like resisting cigarettes, which you should do.
  • btc1987
    btc1987 Posts: 94 Member
    Greek Yogurt mixed with Kashi GoLean cereal lasts an amazingly long time. I only put 1/2 cup of the cereal into a Chobani 100 cal greek yogurt cup. That breakfast has only 170 calories, but 19 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber. It's a filling, satisfying, and easy way to start off the morning. I premeasure and bag the GoLean so I can walk out the door with that and the yogurt in hand.

    It also sounds like you're in the mentality of saving your calories for mealtimes. Other posters have suggested this, but it does help to get out of that mentality and eat several small satisfying meals throughout the day. I used to think exactly like you and wanted to save calories for meals, but now that I've started having an AM, PM snack that has around 150-200 calores, I won't go back.

    Long story short, go for high protein and fiber choices. If you're looking for low calories fillers, snacking on crunchy veggies goes a long way. I always have baby carrots in my fridge for this reason.
  • SamiDee12
    SamiDee12 Posts: 16 Member
    I have to admit, I just grit my teeth and muscled through all my hunger pains. If I ever felt really hungry, I would down a big glass of water and that would help for a little bit. Eating more protein is definitely another option, as I increased my protein my hunger pains throughout the day decreased. I think someone else mentioned eating more frequently throughout the day, but less portions. I did that too, and it helped. So maybe trying to combine a few of these different strategies will help you out! Also, keep in mind that as you increase your exercise intensity, you may see an increase in your appetite. I know personally, that happens to me. Good luck!
  • sino19
    sino19 Posts: 50 Member
    Lots of tea. Making it distracted me, and drinking it helped with water consumption.

    I found the "hunger" pangs went after about 2 weeks. First week was the worst.

    I have spent so long being overweight I don't trust my body to tell me what it really needs, and I always felt the pangs when I was reading a recipe or planning meals...