Getting back to losing weight. *PICS INCLUDED*

Hello, I am a 5'2 132 lb young woman who is restarting her weight loss journey and I would like to get other people's opinion on how much weight do you recommend I lose to begin getting summer ready. Below I have attached two pictures:



I have no idea what should be my goal weight and I would love it if I got other people who are going through the same journey to help me out. Thank you for your time. :)


  • fay_pigu
    fay_pigu Posts: 125 Member

    above might help.

    Not what you want to here but you are an appealing shape from my point of view. Perhaps it's tone you want so maybe 124 will suit you?
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    All depends on your goals. I could tell you I think you have a nice body, but that won't matter much if you are looking for a super low body fat percentage to have abs showing. Try dropping 5 pounds and see how ya feel.