Wine is killing my diet...I have to slow down! Am I alone?



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member

    I love wine. I try not to drink it during the week because I get up at 5 to workout. During the week, I can't get carried away so if I DO drink, I make it fit into my macros. Weekends are tough - I probably end up eating at maintenance on weekends.
  • schmanciepants
    schmanciepants Posts: 62 Member
    I love a nightly glass or 2 of wine, but not only did it stall my weight loss, but I feel like it caused me to gain the weight I am trying to lose :( Some people don't eat when they drink, but I become a human garbage disposal :(

    So I am in for weekends only :)
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    On some days I feel like I might as well drink my diet! 1-3 glasses add up, I am stuck at the same weight, even though I have been a "good girl".

    Time to face the music. My wine intake kills my diet. I read up on it and didn't like what I read. Bellyfat - slow Metabolism - not burning fat after alcohol. Just a few hints telling me I have to change something.

    So...Ladies and Gentlemen, I will slow down drinking to weekends only and then I will not go overboard anymore (meaning not more than 1-2 glasses).

    Wondering if somebody wants to join me. I am not the only one enjoying a glass of wine after a crazy day right? OK wine, beer, anybody having the same problem and is willing to change the routine ???

    Like a "weekend's only" club :-)


  • mikedenali
    mikedenali Posts: 181 Member
    I love a nightly glass or 2 of wine, but not only did it stall my weight loss, but I feel like it caused me to gain the weight I am trying to lose :( Some people don't eat when they drink, but I become a human garbage disposal :(

    So I am in for weekends only :)

  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    I quit drinking a while ago for different reasons, but I definitely attribute quitting to my ease of weight loss. A couple of years ago the drinking was definitely what was holding me up.
  • lolablitz
    lolablitz Posts: 38 Member
    This is bad news. I was so looking forward to my nightly glass of wine after being pregnant for the past eon. And it's probably what's stalling my weight loss. argh Sign me up for your group please :)
  • jcreazy
    jcreazy Posts: 50 Member
    Wow, I didn't realize how much people drink. You drink daily????? I maybe drink once a month.
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    I was a binge drinker (bottle of liquor and sometimes chasers) , not once in awhile but eveeeeryday. I didnt stop until I became serious about my weight loss and kept a written log of my calories for a week....75% of it was alcohol or munchie related. Quit on the spot.
  • raelsea
    raelsea Posts: 11
    I would love to join the Weekends Only group too! I've recently started back up my fitness goals and this is one of my rules.
  • mullycathNZ
    mullycathNZ Posts: 64 Member
    Clearly you are not alone! This was me also so I decided to have a "dry" month for June - the weight is falling off!
  • pipertargaryen
    pipertargaryen Posts: 303 Member
    I drink 12+ ounces of wine 6 night a week. I quit fast food. I quit smoking. I don't eat chocolate (not a fan). So, wine is my indulgence. I just work it in to my calories. I won't sacrifice it; some people have pizza. Others still have (delicious, oh how I miss thee! - but my health thanks me for quitting!) cigarettes. I have a glass (or 2. or 3) of shiraz. I'm down 46lbs in 5 and a half months, so I'd say it's not hindering me too badly.

    Edit: I work night shift (closing, 10pm) Sunday nights, and that's the night I don't drink. I don't know if I can do weekends only, but starting next week, I'll pledge Friday, Saturday and Monday only for my drinks. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, I solemnly swear I will be up to NO booze!

    Also to whoever was like, "omg you people drink every day?" My boyfriend is a teetotaler (who owns a bar, go figure!) and has the same attitude - omg, you like a beer with dinner? - but many people have wine (or beer if that;s your poison!) nightly with no adverse health effects. Drinking several quarts of vodka/rum per week, getting blackout drunk, and so on? An issue. A beer or glass of grape daily? Not so much.
  • photodiva1069
    Nope, that's my problem too. I lose one week and gain the next because of my wine intake.
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    I used to drink everyday, but have cut back to wednesdays and fridays. I feel and look much better for it. Less of the puffy-face!
  • Trust2400
    Trust2400 Posts: 5 Member
    There is an herb called Kudzu. You can buy this in a pill, take it before your first glass, and it will decrease your interest in a second or third. I used to drink a lot, and I would take Kudzu before a party or going to a bar and instead of drinking the standard 6-pak, I lost interest after 3 or 4. Look it up :)
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    No because I don't like booze.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I recently quit drinking. I am one of those people with little middle ground when it comes to drinking. It is 1, 2 or 10 for me. However, weight loss is a breeze now that I don't drink anymore. Those empty calories add up quickly. Cutting down to weekends sounds like a good plan. Good luck with everything!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I'm in! A glass or two of wine helps me unwind from work. My summer will start in a week. I can't wait. I'd like to join the group as well.
  • bslyce
    bslyce Posts: 7
    Ditto! I've recently done this on my own and would love to join the group to make sure I stay on track
  • KeevaDeva
    KeevaDeva Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, I'm glad I found this post! I too like my red wine and beer and it has wrecked havoc on my diet for the last 4 years. In the last month I have only drank on Fridays and I ended up losing 10lbs. So, now I'm super motivated to keep going on the losing streak. There have been a few days after work though, when I think about how nice a cold beer would be or a nice glass of red wine would be but, then I have to remind myself about my recent weight loss and keep thinking about a new skinny wardrobe. So, yes I could use all the support I can get, sign me up for your group too please!
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    I have not had anything to drink (alcohol containing) probably in 15 years. Just not my thing, and wine would, when I did drink, make me puke. I think I took a sip of that cheap stuff you buy in grocery stores, Boonesfarms, on one New years evening one year and that sip just was gross, so went back to my coffee.

    My indulgence is my coffee every day with my full fat half and half and sugar. I have tried lower fat creamers and sugars but I just don't like them so I deal with the calories of my coffee. Oh, and I smoke too, SO EVERYBODY HAS SOME SORT OF VICE. I say have your wine if it fits. You might just have to sacrifice something else for it, ,maybe even food.