weight loss with PCOS



  • thutch40
    thutch40 Posts: 26 Member
    I also have pcos and I hear ya the journey is not an easy one. Right now I am on my fourth Lupron needle of six to shut down my ovaries to put me into menopause due to cyst. Would I recommend it I dunno cause menopause is insane. But what was recommended for me and what's working is going gluten free. Gluten cusses inflammation and that's one thing we do not need. I have the wheat belly boobs and they are amazing. It's has taken me since '06 to lose this weight and I'm hoping to reach my 100 mark by summers end. So happy I found this thread! Good luck feel free to add me as a friend cause we all could use the support.
  • claireloubee88
    I'm 25/f, I was diagnosed with pcos in sept 2011. I was trying to get pregnant for over a year and eventually went to my GP. I used to have heavy periods which were irregular for about 6-7 years and I gained a lot of weight. since being diagnosed I have lost 2 stone in weight and my periods are more regular and light to medium (although I do get the odd heavy bleed now and again) and I have been taking metformin for 2 years. although I don't think it helps you to lose weight it does help me as I am insulin resistant. as I am trying to get pregnant I am also taking clomid to help me ovulate. the metformin does make me feel sick but I am persevering with them. I do a lot of walking because exercise helps me keep the weight off but I also enjoy swimming. I have been finding it hard lately because nobody else in my family has this condition that I know of and its great to find a place where others know exactly how it feels. feel free to add me if you want I am willing to help and support others
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    There are a ton of groups here on MFP for PCOS; I'd search for some, and see if you can join one to get some support there!
    Not that the forums aren't awesome. But groups may help you further!