
I was wondering what peoples opinions is on Aquafit? Does it help with weight loss?

I have Fibromyalgia ( whihc is not to bad at minute ) and have been walking almost every day for last few weeks to try and help with weight loss. My problem is today could hardly move and think maybe the walking so much is to much on my body and am worried I will take a bad flare-up because I am working my boday so hard.

I ahve seen Aquafit advertised at a local pool and wondered what other who have done this think of it ? I do not know anyone goes and will be going along on my own !!! This does concern me lol



  • doelani
    sorry just found some info under a different name, I did search first honest lol
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Water exercise is a WONDERFUL low-impact exercise - and burns lots of calories. You may have to start slow and build up to the full workout. I do water aerbics with another friend who has a muscle disorder (can't remember the name). You should try it! You will be hooked!