do you exercise when fighting a cold?

I've had a good month, exercising 6 days a week (trail running and 30 Day Shred) and eating well. The past 2 days I am headachy, tired, have a sore throat. It's not terrible but I am tired and cranky.

Do you all push through and continue exercising when sick or take a few days off? Change up your program?

Also, as I was typing this my computer suddenly switched over from the MFP page and when into iTunes and started playing 30 Day itself... suddenly Jillian was smiling at me...hmmmmm maybe this is telling me something lol


  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I would go for a long walk
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    I'm coming off of something nasty - the nurse line w/my insurance suggested resting when I could and walking to keep my muscles loose...

    Honestly the slightest bit of movement sent me into a coughing fit anyways, so I mostly rested for the 10 days or so I was sick...still have remnant problems now, but I'd seriously just rest; even good stress can delay healing.

    Get Better Soon!