New to MFP

Hi everyone! I'm Annmarie. I am morbidly obese and started doing Atkins 10 days ago. Last time I was weighed at the doctors office, the scale said 330 lbs. Not proud of it but seeing those numbers, I decided it was time to take the doctors advice, see a nutritionist and start to take the pounds off. I know Atkins is not for everybody. To me, it was the correct choice.

I have always been a large person. Even as a child. I didn't get much exercise. This week I have started walking. Even surprised myself by doing a little dancing in the living room!! :laugh: A little comical, but it is moving more then I used too! Any calories burned I will take!

I am looking forward to getting healthy for myself. I want my children (17 & 18) to be proud of me. Not ashamed.

I know that taking the weight off will take time. It took a while to get put on. Every day I maintain the food guidelines and move, is a day toward my goal!