21 Day Challenge

I did this challenge months ago and had good success with it. Finding myself in a place needing some new motivation and discipline so going to do it again starting Friday. Im starting on Friday so I dont have an excuse to make bad choices all weekend (so easy to do ) What day you begin isn't important, It's just important to commit to 21 days of effort ,sweat and o excuses! It's 21 days based on some studies that it takes 21 days of consistent action to form a new habit, and eliminate old habits. Now there is no guarantee you can break any habit in 21 days, some are harder than others, but there is something about that time frame that seems to just kick in as second nature if you stay consistent. I'm doing 10 daily goals, some are fitness related , some are life related, but they are all designed to help me achieve goals and be a better, healthier, more confident person. I have my own intense training program I will follow, but there is no specific training program, do what you do now , or start something totally new, thats up to you. Anyone that would like to join in feel free, will be logging on here daily and will be happy to encourage anyone else trying to better themselves. My 21 day goals are:

1) Read from the Bible each morning and spend time in prayer.
2) Workout 6 days a week (7 if i feel like it)
3)Make water my main drink, and drink water with meals instead of my usual sweet tea or coke ( this one will be tough)
4)Run a mile in 6 minutes or less
5)Plan and prepare my meals the night before
6)Compliment at least 3 people each day
7)Take my vitamins and supplements daily on schedule
8)Take in 150 grams of protein daily ( been like 60-70 lately, to low for me)
9) Be to work on time, and on time for everything else ( seems im always running late for appointments and things)
10) Weigh 178 lbs on day 21 ( 190 now)
Thats it, my 10 daily goals i will go after hard for 21 days. Lets do this!