New and starting out

Hello all, i am a 1.64m tall girl weighing about 69kg 2 days back. I got a shock when i step on the scale on 10 June, tuesday morning. I had to step on again to confirm the disaster. Yes, indeed the scale did not budge.

I got married about a year ago and i had put on 10kg ever since. Oh boy!

I so need to get the weight down. I did lots of research and walking around my neighbourhood and i found this shop that Sells Xando meal replacement products. Not shakes or anything that taste bad but rather proper meal below 200 cal some below 300 cal. Personal favourite is the black pepper fish noodle at 177 cal. It was like god sent. Not cheap to purchase which is about 10 bucks a meal but they have daily promotion at $5bucks and these are what i would rather grab. So i had decided to pop by once or twice a week to grab my food.

Not sure if these are only available in Singapore. I would say try it if you can! I am a bad cook in the kitchen so these food taste just fine to me.

Wish me good luck, i am trying trying hard to lose 20kg. I will post my progress next month.:wink: