100+ lbs to lose, feeling overwhelmed



  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    What else were you going to do with the passing time? That's the way I look at it. I'd rather count my calories forever than go back to the 149kg (329lbs) that I used to weigh. That said, when I started out in November 2011 I didn't anticipate that I'd still be working towards my goal weight in June 2014. But you know what? I don't care. I've lost 140lbs so far, and I have 24 lbs left to lose.

    I also broke up the journey into goals. In my case 5kg lots. I found lots of things to motivate me along the way though - from fitting smaller clothes to increased fitness. Being able to start running, and even before that things like not getting out of breath going up stairs, being able to walk further. Joints not hurting. It all helps, and those little bits of weight lost all add up. It doesn't seem like it's been so long tbh. Now it's all just habit :)
  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    Lots of great advice on here! What finally triggered me to lose weight (I had 75 pounds to take off) was seeing my sister who was heavier then me. When I saw her she had recently lost 20 of her 100 pounds and looked GREAT! it was so noticeable! I realized for the first time that we can feel good and look better as we are losing! I stopped worrying about my big goal and started with 'I can't wait to be out of the 190's" and it has continued to snow ball from there. Now I'm saying 'I can't wait to hit my half way mark'. Made losing fun and not so daunting! I do also count EVERY calorie this time and have found it really is no big deal at all and will probably do it the rest of my life! Good luck!
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    When the overall goal seems so far off i found it best to break it down into achievable goals maybe a few months worth at a time. Like I said, achievable...it also needs to be sustainable. Aim to lose 5 pounds a month, or set "Mini Goal Weights" Like i started at 380 and 350,325,300,275,250 have always been mini goals for me and didnt give myself a timeframe, and im about to hit my latest mini goal of 250, with my overall being 225. Sometimes with the finish line out of sight it is easy to lose motivation but setting individual milestones makes it much easier to accomplish.
  • hol_lou85
    hol_lou85 Posts: 46 Member
    i only ever weighed on a friday morning, and i didnt see it as 160lbs to lose, but i saw it in 10lb sections - each time it was a celebration that i was one step closer - look at the small steps and they will build up to the total amount.