Starting weight lifting?

I've seen such amazing results from weight lifting and because I'm already at such a low weight it's really the only option I have to burn fat without necessarily losing weight. Anyway, I have not yet ventured into the free weight room at my gym as it's very intimidating, especially because it's mostly men. I've never lifted before and I just need some tips on getting started. If anyone has links to sites with correct form and technique examples that would me extremely helpful, and also, how should my eating change if I'm lifting?
I really need to know all the basics I'm so clueless!


  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    Find a good beginner strength program and follow it to the letter. Some good ones:

    Starting Strength
    Stronglifts 5x5
    New Rules of Lifting
    all-pro beginner
    Strong Curves

    I would get the Starting Strength book for its description of form. But the Stronglifts program is a little easier for beginners. But any of those five are great programs. Look 'em up, pick the one that looks like most fun, and get started!