Oh my goodness! What have I gotten myself into?!?!

cgvoabc Posts: 18 Member
Hello all!

My name is Carlos; I'm 36, married with three kids (5 year old b/g twins, 1 year old girl).

About two months ago my wife found a great deal on Groupon for personal trainer foods and thought we'd give it a whirl and see what comes out of it.

Six weeks into the diet change and I've lost 20 pounds. It's hard staying on track when you've spent most of your adult life eating whatever you wanted when you wanted. I've been pretty good but there's been a few times when I've fallen off the wagon.

About two weeks ago I started focusing on adding exercise to my daily routine (bike riding towing the twins (extra 80 lbs!!), walking up the 10 stories to work instead of using the elevator, etc...)

I figured I'd lose weight with the diet change and then go back to normal but I'm obsessed now. My goal is to get to 185 lbs and I plan on sticking to it!

Well, hello and I'll be sticking around!!