Whey Powder

So I need some help with whey powder pleasee! I have a few q's about it. I want to start using it as it's supposed to aid in building muscle, but will it really be beneficial for me? Atm I'm doing a hr of cardio 5 times a week (which is usually a 11km run on the treadmill apart from a wednesday when I do an hr on the exercise bike) and I'm also doing a hr of ab workouts (nike training club's alpha abs) 5 times a week, but planning on adding 15mins extra of leg or arm workouts starting next week. So since i'm upping my strength workouts I thought whey would be beneficial for me, but firstly, can it end up with me gaining weight instead? Cause I'm doing a 1200 calorie intake per day (well i try to keep to 1200, but sometimes go over by 100 or so, depending on how hungry I was) and im scared that adding whey protein shakes and such will up my daily calorie intake and then I gain weight. Also, what is the best way of taking whey powder, and how many grams daily would you recommend thankss :))


  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Protein powder is used when you need help with your intake of protein.
    It will up your calories if you just add it on top of everything.
    You will not gain weight going 200 calories over 1200.

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  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    i drink a 2 scooper (which is around 60g's) after i workout

    this may not be wanted but i will say if that is you in your profile pic you definitely do not need to lose 30 lbs. i would say you dont need to lose any weight and instead should opt for just exercising and eating at maintenance