When Walking, Bending, Standing Up Hurts



  • belle0226
    belle0226 Posts: 33 Member
    I started my weight loss in pain as well. I had been trying to make changes on my own with no real focus. But what brought everything to an urgency was going for a walk and having knee pain. I had to get past that pain to get to a point where I enjoy exercise. I had no idea what I was signing up for. I never dreamed I would get to the point I'm at. But one day, one meal, and one step at a time will get you there. You just have to let the process have time to work. Trying to be patient is hard. But I and a lot of others are here if you need us. You can do this!
  • ranchmimi
    ranchmimi Posts: 126 Member
    If you enjoy the pool you might want to check out some water aerobic moves. Look on the computer and I'm sure you'll find some that you can do now to start moving in the water - not just floating! Even pushups on the side of the pool help! Stand facing the side of the pool - push back with your arms, then go back to the side bending your arms! Keep increasing the amount you do and before you know it you'll really have some fun exercise! Water walking also helps - great for the knees that hurt because the water takes the pressure off your joints as they move! Keep adding to the number of widths you walk - amazing how it helps! Do some leg lifts under the water - front, side, back - more exercise that won't hurt! Good luck - and most of all have fun and enjoy your new life!