6 months in, need to advice

Hello everybody!

I'm now at the 6 month mark with 54 pounds lost. 46 more pounds to go! Since it's the summer, I have more free time on my hands, and last week I lost around 6 pounds. The thing I don't get is that this week, Iv'e lost 2.2 pounds while putting twice the effort. I went to the local pool three times a day this week. My food has been the same, so no change there. Might it really be muscle? I'm thinking of switching things up for next week by going to the pool twice and do a 30 minute run in the middle of the day. Think the more 'cardio intensive' run in the middle would help? Also, the thing that's really killing me is the peanut butter in the morning, I'm eating the low-fat one, but it's still pretty fat! I usually eat a banana with a slice of bread, what do you guys put on your bread in the morning?

Thanks everyone! :)


  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    2 pounds or 6 pounds, you're still losing. Don't dwell too much on the # itself. If you are feeling better, then keep doing what you're doing. When you start not losing any weight at all, for more than a week BTW, then start worrying.
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    If you are staying under your calorie goals, the slower loss could just be your body getting used to the new exercise. That happened to me when I upped my biking. I didn't lose a thing for about 3 weeks, and then lost quite a bit, and it keeps coming off! Just keep on doing what you are doing, as long as the weight is trending downward, you're good!
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    Cngrats on your weight loss! You are more than halfway to your goal! WOOHOO!!!! Increase in activity could be muscle swelling/building and possible fluid from that? I agree with poster above about not fretting, 6 pounds in one week is not really the norm.
  • majid01
    majid01 Posts: 4 Member
    Sweet guys, thanks! Not about to quit haha! :)
  • naturesfempower
    naturesfempower Posts: 107 Member
    I lose irregularly. Might lose .2 pounds for several weeks and then lose 4 lbs in a weekend. Then lose nothing for a couple of weeks. I wouldn't worry as long as the scale is going down rather than up. I have also found that the more weight I lose the harder it is to lose more. Sucks.
  • GKat04
    GKat04 Posts: 16 Member

    Also, the thing that's really killing me is the peanut butter in the morning, I'm eating the low-fat one, but it's still pretty fat! I usually eat a banana with a slice of bread, what do you guys put on your bread in the morning?

    Try PB2, I occasionally have that on my toast with a banana, less fat and less sugar!
  • BrittanyMG3
    BrittanyMG3 Posts: 163 Member
    the bigger you are, the easier it is to lose more at a time.. 2.2 pounds is amazing! If I lost that much in a week, i am ecstatic. You are heading in the right direction, when I hit under what I wanted to lose for a week, i try to remember that any loss is better than no loss or even a gain!
    most people average 0.5lb- 2lb loss per week. you're doing awesome! :smile:
  • BrittanyMG3
    BrittanyMG3 Posts: 163 Member
    oh and are you tracking your measurements? even if the scale is going down slowly, you could be getting bigger changes somewhere else!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    the bigger you are, the easier it is to lose more at a time.. 2.2 pounds is amazing! If I lost that much in a week, i am ecstatic. You are heading in the right direction, when I hit under what I wanted to lose for a week, i try to remember that any loss is better than no loss or even a gain!
    most people average 0.5lb- 2lb loss per week. you're doing awesome! :smile:


    You're half way to your goal and very little , congrats!

    Now you'll lose weight a bit slower :)
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    I stayed at the same weight for 3 weeks, and then suddenly dropped and I am still losing. Just try to shock your body. Try different exercise routines, or upping your calorie intake. I upped mine about 600 cals one day, then the next day went back down to 1700 and immediately started losing again. Try not to stay frustrated.

    For breakfast I have 2 pieces of 100% whole wheat toast with 1.5tbsp of peanut butter, sliced banana, and cacao nibs. I have 0% greek yogurt with granola. Almond milk with cookies and cream whey.