
I just have to vent my frustration. My daughter is 2 years 4 months. Since she was born I have been trying to lose weight. I eat better and exercise more than I ever have and yet I am stuck at the same weight. I go down a bit, but always go back up. Doesn't matter what I do! I had post partum depression really badly and am still on meds which defenitely doesn't help, but its driving me crazy! Most days I'm positive about it - I'm healhier than I've ever been and I have toned up a lot, but today is just one of those days where its really bugging me.

Vent over, thanks for listening!


  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Everybody has those days when your just grr frustrated. But you said so yourself that your healthier than you've ever been and you've toned up alot. You should be so proud of youself!

    You'll get through it! :D
  • etrips
    etrips Posts: 22
    I've delt with depression as well, so my heart goes out to you, but you will get through. As for losing weight it is possible, you just have to determine how much you want it and how much your willing to spend to get it. I've "done everything" for the past year or so in failed attempts to lose weight....I finally just said screw it...what I'm doing isn't working so its time to try something else. So I started counting my calories...doing two runs a day. Just this week I've already dropped 7 pounds, and for someone who hasn't done that in 2 years thats half miracle. What I"m saying is, its math, its doable. Find out how many calories you need in a day and create a deficite and press in. Don't mean to be 'that guy' but sometimes we need to hear what we need to hear. If your not seeing results one of two things 1. Your already super fit or 2. Your not comitting enough. The best way to test this out (because its probably the latter) Just think of yourself in boot camp for 4 days. Push in hardcore lots of exercise super strict eating, drink lots of water. Chances are you'll see a big result even in those days telling you, yeah it is possible. Then you can gague how much effort your willing to put it based off that and how fast you want the weight to come off
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Please don't take this the wrong way, but with as little as you want to lose, it will always be hard for you. My advise to you is simply pick the BMR of the weight you want to be and substract 200 cals from that. The next step is don't get on the scale for at least 2 weeks. then every 2 weeks addjust your cals by 200 up or down depending on the scales.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat! Keep it up! You can do it!
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    I count my calories religiously. And I often work out twice a day. I do a bootcamp 3 mornings a week at 6a.m and powerflow yoga 2Xweek plus on the days I do bootcamp I also go for a run or run/walk. I need to lose more than what I set my goal at, but I thought if I set it in increments it would be less frustrating for me. I'd love to get to 160, but considering it took me a year a half to get under 180, I set my goal on MFP at 170. I eat every 2-3 hours and incorporate lean protein and healthy carbs at each meal. I do have some off days, but 90% of the time I do exactly what i'm supposed to do. It is very very very frustrating. MFP has my cals set around 1540, plus exercise.
  • SassyStef
    Girl I totally feel you, my daughter will be 2 in December and I have yet to loose the last 20lbs!!! AAARRRRGGGHHH LOL

    I have been working out since July, lost 4 just to gain 2 back in 2 weeks UGH
    I totally recommitted myself these last four weeks, counting calories, I added another 3 days or cardio, equaling 6 days of working out and I havent weighed myself since I started this so I am praying to the weight loss gods that I have lost my goal of 8 pounds!!!

    I am feeling the same way, about if this doesnt work then, I dont know what I am gonna do!! Seriously how much more can I change up things. I have 2 I repeat 2 trainer friends that I work out with, so I totally have no excuse to not get it LOL

    Any who...If you need some extra support or any thing add me as a friend, it is always nice having someone understand the baby weight because to me it is totally not the same and the 'other' weight LOL
  • jswoods
    Are you varying your workouts, or are your routines similiar from week to week, month to month. What are your sleep habits like? Are you getting sufficient recovery periods? I know its frustrating, I've been there too. Its not always as simple as calories in, calories out.
  • sjoy711
    sjoy711 Posts: 40 Member
    Wow - this is a total echo of my life. I have a little boy - 22 mnths old - and have been battling with post-partum depression. I'm still on Zoloft and I can tell it helps, but I've also recently switched birth controls to something a little stronger and could tell a difference within days! Sometimes those hormones are too much for your body to deal with and you need a different medication to help set you straight. Feel free to message me if you want to talk about this in more detail.
    I've also made a diet change recently. I've been eating more "clean" foods. I don't eat anything processed and I stay away from carbs (breads, pastas, cereals) as much as possible. Making a change like this can really help kick start your weightloss again. Check out the main video on It talks about what "healthy" foods are making you gain fat and what you can do to change that.
    Keep your head up, sweetie. You are doing great and everything will be alright! *HUGS* *HUGS* *HUGS*
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    Aww thanks. Would love some "friends" in the same boat. Its just frustrating. After I vented here, I was at my Moksha yoga class and a girl I hadn't seen in a couple of months totally freaked out about how much weight I've lost LOL! So I must be toning, even if the scale isn't moving.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    The calorie count that MFP calculates isn't carved in stone. Try reducing it by 100-200 calories for a couple of weeks and see if that helps bump things along.