20 year old female navigating ED recovery

andrea394 Posts: 15 Member
Hi everyone,

My name is Andrea and I'm 20 years old. I am 5'5.

In October of 2011 I began to develop disordered eating, and by March 2012 I had gone from 160lbs to 120lbs. i went into treatment and then when I was discharged in June I relapsed immediately. By December 2012 I was 95-98lbs and was admitted onto a medical ED unit. I was there for 6 weeks and then went back into treatment until late April 2013. I was discharged at 132lbs and dropped down to around 120lbs over the summer.

I went away to university in Sept 2013, and dropped to 113lbs. I then went into Intensive Outpatient for 7 weeks where I did breakfast and dinner on an ED unit and I gained to 120lbs where I stayed until April 2014 when I went back into treatment for medical instability due to alcohol abuse and excessive purging. I was weight restored to 130lbs through an NG tube, and then I came home for the summer and overshot to 135.

I am now 133lbs and I want to lose weight so badly. I'm trying to reach 2000 calories a day, although ideally I should be at 2400. However I usually don't pass 1800. I want to lose weight so, so badly. I hate how my body looks. I run now, but I want to work on toning more to try and get rid of some of this recovery fat. I consider myself recovered because I am a healthy weight, and I don't want to fall into a full blown relapse, I just want to be around 125lbs and have a more toned body.

I feel so sad lately about myself and my body and eating is mental torture. I don't know what to do. I have a dietitian in my university city who I correspond with through email and I have a therapist I see every few weeks here, but I still feel so crappy about myself. Any support or words of encouragement would be really appreciated.

Thank you so much.



  • Best advice I can give is to work on loving yourself no matter what your weight. Focus on doing what makes you happy (and healthy) on the inside. It is good you are talking to people who can help and I hope you feel better soon. :)
  • andrea394
    andrea394 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you, I'm hoping that through healthy eating and exercise I can become more at peace with myself. It's going to be a long road and it doesn't feel good, but the support here is amazing in getting on track with diet and exercise. :)