Anyone work out twice a day?



  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    Hit the weights in the morning for about an hr, usually burn around 450 calories. 3 days on, 1 day off. Split body parts

    Then 4 nights a week, do cardio. Again for about an hr, burn anywhere from 660 to 800 calories.

    Variety is key. Something for muscle gain or maintain, something for fat loss/healthy heart.

    So sometimes I work out twice a day, some days one, and some days the stars are align like today and it's totally off. But I'll still take an hr walk in the park and watch the sunrise.

    Your body is an incredible machine. It WILL respond to what ever orders you give it. The orders are in ways of food intake, exercise and rest.

    You are doing super..keep it up.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I used to. I got burnt out after six months. Took two weeks off, and then started going five days a week, once a day. Much more reasonable for me and my schedule.

    Some people love it, other people don't. You go through phases of super-hard-core fitness, and just enough to get by, and that's fine. Don't be afraid to switch up your schedule. Consistency is most important.

    This ^^

    I have seen people in group kinda "motivating each other" to push more than they can take, just because they feel the competition...I don't know if it's a good thing for long run...Again you know your body and nobody else does.
  • nedtoloseme
    nedtoloseme Posts: 98 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss. I have to ask everyone a question - not trying to put a damper on things, but just want to know. Is everyone doing this for weight loss or just because you love working out? The reason I ask is that I used to do workouts twice a day (sometimes I still do), but I do it every once in a while because I like working out. I guess what I'm trying to say is this something you can sustain throughout your life? What happens when you reach a bump in the road? I've stalled out and did two workouts - sometimes it worked sometime it didn't. I just think you're asking alot of your body to do something like this all the time. Don't get me wrong - to those who can sustain it go for it. But don't push because you want to lose weight. If you don't learn good eating habits the weight will come back regardless of if you work out 1 or 4 times a day. All in love folks! :heart:
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss. I have to ask everyone a question - not trying to put a damper on things, but just want to know. Is everyone doing this for weight loss or just because you love working out? The reason I ask is that I used to do workouts twice a day (sometimes I still do), but I do it every once in a while because I like working out. I guess what I'm trying to say is this something you can sustain throughout your life? What happens when you reach a bump in the road? I've stalled out and did two workouts - sometimes it worked sometime it didn't. I just think you're asking alot of your body to do something like this all the time. Don't get me wrong - to those who can sustain it go for it. But don't push because you want to lose weight. If you don't learn good eating habits the weight will come back regardless of if you work out 1 or 4 times a day. All in love folks! :heart:

    I can't speak for all but for me it started out with a goal of losing weight, but 2 years later, I didn't lose weight but fell in love with working out. Just do something everyday makes me happy. :)
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I used to. I got burnt out after six months. Took two weeks off, and then started going five days a week, once a day. Much more reasonable for me and my schedule.

    Some people love it, other people don't. You go through phases of super-hard-core fitness, and just enough to get by, and that's fine. Don't be afraid to switch up your schedule. Consistency is most important.

    This ^^

    I have seen people in group kinda "motivating each other" to push more than they can take, just because they feel the competition...I don't know if it's a good thing for long run...Again you know your body and nobody else does.

    ^speaking from personal experience if you have a deadline of when your trying to get to a certain weight or body fat percentage then sure... but it will make you start to resent working out so I'd be... wary of that.

    on another note - if you are going to work out twice, what I do is strength training first, then the cardio. - I used to do the cardio first, and by cardio I'm not talking about some little 7min mile run, I mean real cardio.. but if you do real cardio first your not ganna be able to put up as much weight and then your not getting the ideal results.

    speaking for myself, and in my opinion from what I observed from my body - strength train 1st, and if you are working out again make it cardio.

    just my .02
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I used to. I got burnt out after six months. Took two weeks off, and then started going five days a week, once a day. Much more reasonable for me and my schedule.

    Some people love it, other people don't. You go through phases of super-hard-core fitness, and just enough to get by, and that's fine. Don't be afraid to switch up your schedule. Consistency is most important.

    This ^^

    I have seen people in group kinda "motivating each other" to push more than they can take, just because they feel the competition...I don't know if it's a good thing for long run...Again you know your body and nobody else does.

    ^speaking from personal experience if you have a deadline of when your trying to get to a certain weight or body fat percentage then sure... but it will make you start to resent working out so I'd be... wary of that.

    on another note - if you are going to work out twice, what I do is strength training first, then the cardio. - I used to do the cardio first, and by cardio I'm not talking about some little 7min mile run, I mean real cardio.. but if you do real cardio first your not ganna be able to put up as much weight and then your not getting the ideal results.

    speaking for myself, and in my opinion from what I observed from my body - strength train 1st, and if you are working out again make it cardio.

    just my .02

    agreed. when I did P90x double, I did cardio x in the afternoon...but after one month, I was virtually dead. "resent working out" is such a true statement in my case. :)
  • xRedRockerx
    xRedRockerx Posts: 54 Member
    I do a weight loss video every day, which ranges anywhere between 30-90 minutes, and then either a 40 minute run or a 60 minute Zumba class in the evening. I don't want to overwork myself, but honestly I see working out as more of a hobby and I don't really want to take a session away. Plus, it makes rest days so much better :D
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Depends on how you define "work out"

    I do my "serious" work out over the noon hour at the gym.

    But after work most evenings I'm taking my dogs on a walk; going for a leisurely bike ride; working in my yard, etc.

    No I don't generally consider the latter "workouts" - but they do burn more calories than just sitting in front of the computer on MFP forums :)
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions! Right now I am doing 30 minutes per day of Jillian's 90 day program which is a mix of strength and cardio, and then when that is done I hop on the elliptical for another 10-15 minutes. I do this 5 days a week.

    I would much rather do straight strength training 3 days per week and some cardio on the other days. It also fits my schedule better to work out at home.

    Can I still do the New Rules of Lifting for Women at home, I'm guessing I would have to invest in more weights than my current stash of dumbells ranging from 5-20lbs.

    And yes I am losing .75 lb a week on average. I'm happy with it - but I'm not happy being fat and want it gone quicker, lol.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Depends on how you define "work out"

    I do my "serious" work out over the noon hour at the gym.

    But after work most evenings I'm taking my dogs on a walk; going for a leisurely bike ride; working in my yard, etc.

    No I don't generally consider the latter "workouts" - but they do burn more calories than just sitting in front of the computer on MFP forums :)

    ^love this, and love that - being active is being healthy.
  • mkflores7035
    I love working out twice a day ( when I can )....I do mostly cardio, a little weight lifting...Then at night it's the opposite. Also it's quiet in the mornings at the gym, plus less crowded.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Depends on how you define "work out"

    I do my "serious" work out over the noon hour at the gym.

    But after work most evenings I'm taking my dogs on a walk; going for a leisurely bike ride; working in my yard, etc.

    No I don't generally consider the latter "workouts" - but they do burn more calories than just sitting in front of the computer on MFP forums :)

    This is how it works for me. I frequently walk more than once a day but the first walk (or lately, run) is my "serious" one the other(s) are just for the heck of it, and I track them so that I have record that I DID it, but I log it manually as 1 calorie so that I'm not getting a pile of extra calories to eat for it (do note though that I use the TDEE method for my intake goal and log ALL my exercise as 1 calorie!)
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Depends on how you define "work out"

    I do my "serious" work out over the noon hour at the gym.

    But after work most evenings I'm taking my dogs on a walk; going for a leisurely bike ride; working in my yard, etc.

    No I don't generally consider the latter "workouts" - but they do burn more calories than just sitting in front of the computer on MFP forums :)

    This is how it works for me. I frequently walk more than once a day but the first walk (or lately, run) is my "serious" one the other(s) are just for the heck of it, and I track them so that I have record that I DID it, but I log it manually as 1 calorie so that I'm not getting a pile of extra calories to eat for it (do note though that I use the TDEE method for my intake goal and log ALL my exercise as 1 calorie!)

    yeah instead of two workouts - unless you have a deadline - I recommend working out then doing an activity that you enjoy that is active.

    ^this is the stuff that makes me really like and get a ton out of MFP
  • SamiDee12
    SamiDee12 Posts: 16 Member
    I have been thinking about doing the same thing. I already do about 30/40 minutes of cardio and 20/30 minutes of strength training in the morning before class, and I am thinking about stopping by and doing an extra 30 minutes of cardio in the evening. I think the best way to approach is to try a trial and error for about a week, and just see how your body responds.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Depends on how you define "work out"

    I do my "serious" work out over the noon hour at the gym.

    But after work most evenings I'm taking my dogs on a walk; going for a leisurely bike ride; working in my yard, etc.

    No I don't generally consider the latter "workouts" - but they do burn more calories than just sitting in front of the computer on MFP forums :)

    yeah, your approach is awesome. Keeping an active life style is way more effective