I've lost over 15lbs, but no one seems to notice...



  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    I totally get this! I've lost over 20 and I was wondering why no one had said anything. Then I came across some posts here on MFP that indicated that sometimes it takes more weight than we think to have people notice. I think you've done fantastic! If you keep going on the way you have, you will definitely get those comments down the road :) Don't let it bother you too much!
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Team...trust me...these things come in stages. First only YOU notice...and usually you don't even see the difference, you just feel different. Then close friends/relatives start to notice.

    Next people you haven't seen in a while, will mention it. As the weight becomes more visible...they will ask if "everything is alright". As in are you healthy?

    Once you lose a lot of weight, for me it was 60lbs, then I started building muscle. And people started to notice how much "bigger" I was getting, but this time in a good way.

    And they stop asking you WHY you are losing and switch to HOW you did this...transform...I call it a rebirth.

    It then becomes like a drug....healthy living. You find yourself reading and researching anything you can to become healthier. And you implement them to see what works.

    And then you start getting really flattering comments from complete strangers.

    It's taken me 2.5 years to make the above journey. If I can do it, trust me, anyone can do it.

    Just stick with it, have patience and forgive yourself for any "cheats"/step backs you do. You aren't going to do this perfectly, but over time and sticking with it, U WILL B REBORN. :happy:

    That was really inspiring.
  • a2902c
    a2902c Posts: 96
    Thank you so much everyone! I'm definitely losing weight for me (and my upcoming wedding!). :smile:
  • bugtaylor
    bugtaylor Posts: 77 Member
    you look beautiful.
  • danihardman89
    danihardman89 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm with everyone else in here. The first time I lost weight, almost nobody noticed at 15 lbs down (heck, even I was having a hard time seeing any difference!). Just be patient, and remember it's ultimately not all about what you see in the mirror (although that's great), it's about being a healthier version of you. Keep at it girl! You'll get there.