6 Diet Rules You can Break!

mstarrett01 Posts: 74 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I saw this on Yahoo! this morning thought I would share!

6 Diet Rules you can Break!

1. You Must Exercise To Lose Weight. Controlling calories and food intake is key to shedding unwanted pounds (much more so than exercise). If you’re not able to be active or just can’t commit to a regular workout schedule, you can still lose weight without exercising if you carefully monitor your food intake. Of course, being physically active provides a whole host of health benefits outside of weight management, and for this reason I highly encourage everyone to incorporate fitness into their lifestyle. But if you absolutely can’t or won’t exercise, know that it’s still possible to achieve your weight loss goals.

2. Only Weigh Yourself Once Per Week. There is no “one size fits all” rule with weighing. Some people do better with daily weigh-ins and others with no scale at all; it’s really a personal choice. If you find that daily or weekly visits to the bathroom scale help you stay accountable, by all means, maintain your usual routine. If tracking your numbers tends to make you obsess a bit, you can always gauge your weight loss by taking occasional measurements or noting changes in your clothing size.

3. Dessert is a No-No. As long as you account for the calories, dessert is perfectly okay—whether it’s berries, cookies, or a slice of rich, fudgy chocolate cake. Some dieters that I’ve counseled like to build in one portion-controlled treat per day—maybe two cookies or a low-fat ice cream pop. Others prefer to save up their “discretionary calories” and splurge on one decadent dessert per week from a restaurant or bakery. Whatever your preferred strategy, it is definitely possible to satisfy a sweet tooth without derailing your diet.

4. Portion Control Everything You Eat. Not true! You can overeat non-starchy vegetables to your heart’s content, as long as you prepare them in healthful ways. Non-starchy vegetables—like leafy greens, cucumbers, carrots, celery, tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower and green beans—are incredibly low in calories, thanks to their high water and fiber content. They’ll fill you up and displace more caloric foods…and ultimately help you lose weight by eating more!

5. Never Skip Breakfast (it’s the most important meal of day.) Some people are just not naturally conditioned to be early morning eaters, and that’s completely understandable. There’s no reason to force yourself into eating breakfast if you’re not hungry, as long as you’re not having a problem with overeating later in the day. Instead, have a meal or mid-morning snack later on, when your appetite finally kicks in.

6. Salads Are Your Best Bet For Losing Weight. Sadly, some salads are actually more caloric than a loaded burger with a side of fries…those certainly won’t do you any favors on the scale. And if you hate salads and they leave you feeling completely unsatisfied, they can actually be counterproductive. If you view these diet staples as bland, boring “rabbit food”, you certainly shouldn’t feel obligated to include them in your meal plan. Find more interesting lunch and dinner options that excite your taste buds and satisfy your appetite. You’ll stick with your diet longer if you’re enjoying what you’re eating.


  • thanks for posting!!! :D
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    That is the biggest problem for most all of us. We think there is only one way of doing things, measuring things, and what you can and can't do. Everyone is different and every day is a new day to deal with.
  • Completely agree with all of those. I don't think I've had a salad since I've started - I just don't like them! I'd much rather have some lean protein, rice, and veggies. Besides, if you're diligent about exercising (assuming you don't fall in to #1 category) you'll have enough calories to burn that you won't need a salad.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    YES! It's irritating when my friends/family make a comment about something that I'm eating... "A cupcake? What about your diet?"
    1) I'm NOT on a diet and 2) If I account for those calories, I can eat whatever I want!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I wonder about the breakfast one. I do believe in finding what works for you but adding breakfast to my day has helped made a difference. It seems to be a reaccuring theme in studys, but I guess that doesn't make it a Rule.
  • totallllly agree ;-)
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    YES! It's irritating when my friends/family make a comment about something that I'm eating... "A cupcake? What about your diet?"
    1) I'm NOT on a diet and 2) If I account for those calories, I can eat whatever I want!
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I would add one more...

    In the holiday season, I lower my calorie deficit to just 200 calories. This gives me room to splurge on some desserts and other decadent foods. The way I see it, if I can just maintain my weight between Halloween and New Years, I will be quite happy to pick up where I left off on January 2nd... and not feel like I lost ground. But also had a chance to enjoy some excellent feasting during the holidays.

    BTW - with such a low deficit, and an increase in my strength training, I would not be surprised if I actually gain a few pounds because of the extra muscle... but I have learned to focus more on my measurements and less on the scale at this point (I am down to my last 5 lbs).

    Another thing is that the 200 deficit is more like a "cheat buffer". It's for that one piece of chocolate I forgot to put in that day... or the olive oil that the fish was cooked in that didn't make it into my diary. So even though I should be losing some fat with a small deficit, I am okay with simple maintenance until the New Year.

    Once the parties, treats and spiked cocoa taper off, I will re-examine where I want to be and set new goals.

    Taking a conscious and controlled break is a good thing, in my mind.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Yay! I hate exercising.. I prefer a long walk. Exercise does give the best results though. I'm not sure that I agree with the no breakfast thing though... doesn't eating early and throughout the day help mold your metabolism?
  • YES! It's irritating when my friends/family make a comment about something that I'm eating... "A cupcake? What about your diet?"
    1) I'm NOT on a diet and 2) If I account for those calories, I can eat whatever I want!

    Totally agree too!!!

    Although, I never used to eat breakfast and I used to be starving all day, and since I have introduced breakfast regularly it has definitely helped me! I rarely ever skip it now!
  • mstarrett01
    mstarrett01 Posts: 74 Member
    I wonder about the breakfast one. I do believe in finding what works for you but adding breakfast to my day has helped made a difference. It seems to be a reaccuring theme in studys, but I guess that doesn't make it a Rule.

    Breakfast may have worked for you, but like the article says what works for one may not work for everyone. I need breakfast, if I don't I feel like I am starving!!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    save, phone is ringing
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