Looking for support and...

Hi! I'm Melinda and I've been using MFP off and on for a while now. Last time I used it was about ayear ago and I only used it for like 2 months before I gave up on it. I don't want to do that again but I really need support and people to talk to (I didn't do that last time, tried to do it on my own).

I'm 25 years old, 5'7" at 185 pounds. My goal weight is 150 pounds. I normally eat pretty well (mostly fruits and veggies) although I do have my "weak" moments. I work in an office so I don't get a lot of activity, most of my exercise happens when I get home just before dinner. I've tried to incorporate some "deskercises" while I'm at work and I've changed my exercise routine at home to include both cardio and strength training.

I'm looking for people who are willing to lend support, swap receipes, or just talk about anything. Thank you!