General advice needed on many aspects of healthy lifestyle

Hi guys. I'd like some general advice. I'm a 22 year old female, 5'4", current weight: 137.3 pounds. (My main picture shows the changes from day one of a healthier lifestyle to earlier today)

Prior to a little over 3 months ago, I'd never been active in my life. Since late middle school/ early high school I had been in the TERRIBLE habit of consuming nothing but caffeine and maybe water until 4:00-5:00 pm. When I'd finally begin eating for the day, I'd then consume all my daily calories (and often many more) over the course of a few hours right before bed. I also drank and smoked frequently and ate whatever I wanted, often very unhealthy foods. 3 months ago, I decided I wanted to start living a healthier lifestyle. I began working out a minimum of 30 minutes 4 times a week, but often more frequently and for longer than that. I was doing strength and cardio (alternating days) and sometimes yoga. 9 days ago, I began the insanity program. I've been aiming for around 1,200-1,400 calories a day. Some days (maybe 2 a month at most) I'd totally slip up and end up binge eating at night, and a couple of times I've gone out drinking to excess. I spent 4 days on a house boat last month and didn't log what I ate or drank the entire time but I can guarantee it was a loooooooot of beer (I don't take shots, so I only drink hard alcohol in mixed drinks.)

It's been hard for me to reach my daily calorie goal. It's VERY hard for me to eat in the mornings and sometimes it even makes me throw up. However, I've been eating some thing every morning (even if it's only a smoothie). I'm also prescribed stimulants for ADD, so I suffer from strong appetite suppression that makes it hard for me to eat the foods I pack for lunch. I've done a lot better about binge eating at night when the stimulants wear off, but now I find many days I don't reach my calorie goal. I also suck at drinking water really bad. I maybe on a good day drink 4 8oz glasses of water. (My diary has pretty accurate records of my workouts and calorie intake. I've been measuring portion sizes and logging EVERYTHING I eat.)

So my questions are these:
1. I've only lost about 9 pounds since beginning my new healthy routine 3 months ago. Is that normal? Other than drinking more water, what are some good ways to change my habits and promote faster weight loss?
2. I've read so much conflicting information on carb v. protein v. healthy fat intakes. Right now I aim for about 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat, although I often find my fat intake is higher and my protein intake is lower. Do those percentages sound about right?
3. Since I've literally NEVER been active in any capacity before beginning my workout program, I have very little muscle. I've never had an official body fat measurement taken, but I'd guess that it's relatively high. I've been incorporating body-weight strength the entire time, but never weights heavier than 8lb dumbbells because I don't have that strength yet. Should I be lifting heavier weights and using machines to help even out my muscle to fat percentages?
4. Based on all the information I've given you, what general advice would you give me moving forward? This is not only about weight loss for me, but about fostering a healthier lifestyle in general. I'd love to hear any feedback on ways in which I can improve my habits and become a more healthy individual!

I know this is a novel, and I applaud anyone who has read the entire thing. I also appreciate any feedback you can give me. Thanks for checking out my request for help :)


  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    The weight lost in the beginning is normal to me. The breakdown of % for protein, carb and fat all depend on your overall goal. I would say if your goal is to be tone than yes lift weight but it doesn’t have to be heavy weights. Aim for higher reps with less rest to achieve the same results of being tone. Sound like you’re not a big fan of breakfast, so continue with the smoothies to start your day. If water is hard to drink try to add lemon, mint or any other fruit for some taste. Feel free to add me.

    For some general advice
    • Try to avoid process food-if so look for food with the less amount of ingredients
    • Cut back on sweets
    • Make exercise fun
    • Eat more vegetables as snacks (raw carrots, broccoli or bell pepper)
    • Never give up
  • k0lie
    k0lie Posts: 9
    I just realized I had my diary set to private. I've now made it public!
  • k0lie
    k0lie Posts: 9
    Thanks so much for your response! I appreciate the feedback. I'd say my main goals are weight loss and muscle gain. I've been using Shaun T's Insanity program for 9 days now, and it feels like I'm getting a good strength and cardio workout at once when I do those videos... I don't know if my original program of doing body weight strength and cardio on the elliptical was better or if following the Insanity videos is better for me!