I hit a new fitness milestone today!

I had a huge sweat spot on my shirt! No seriously, I know this is super lame but when I go to the gym, I always have sweat marks on the arm pits of my shirt. I am always looking at the people who are covered in sweat and wonder how on Earth they sweat so much! Well, today, I walked into the locker room and started undressing to shower and when I took off my shirt....BAM! Huge sweat mark all down my back. I was pretty impressed.

End lame sweat fan girl post.


  • ceemaw
    ceemaw Posts: 306 Member
    nice job! :D
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    Ha ha. I sweat like that within 10 min of my workout. After 30 min of any type of cardio it looks like I have been dunked in a dunk tank. Congrats to you though for getting your sweat on!