which scale do you own??

fanullona Posts: 82 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
scale help, please!
I don't own a scale because i'm wary of the small, digital scales being inaccurate. (how do you know it's zeroed out?) i prefer the old school kind where you move the weights along manually. my gym has one of those so i weigh myself there if i go in the morning, but i haven't made it to the gym in the morning in a few weeks. as a result i haven't weighed myself in a while! i need to break down and buy a scale to keep at home.
which scale did you buy? was it worth the money you spent? which type/brand of scale do you think is most accurate?


  • LJK100
    LJK100 Posts: 39 Member
    I bought the Weight Watchers digital scale. It's really aswome. My mom swiped it so she could compare the Dr scales with this one to see how accurate. They were both exactly the same. It is very accurate. I think I got it at Fred Meyer for about $29 or $39. Unfortunately, I had to swipe it back when she wasn't looking. Funny, because I think she weighs about 100 lbs.
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    I have a digital one i got cheap at ebay and it was worth more than the money i paid
  • Tabs_A
    Tabs_A Posts: 69 Member
    Just food for thought, if you don't trust your scale for accuracy you can still weight yourself for an 'actual' measurement when you happen to go the gym, but if you have a scale at home even if it isn't 100% accurate on your real weight it will still show how many lbs lost. If possible weight yourself at the gym them at home and see how similar they are. If not use your gym weight and just subtract lbs lost from that.
  • I have a digital Weight Watchers one too! It's pretty fancy, cuz it takes your weight, BMI, body fat percentage, water percentage, and your bone density. It can also keep memory of up to 4 different weights from weigh in to weigh in, but can also be used as a normal scale. I got mine from Walmart for $30 :) Oh, and it's great, too, because it measures in tenths, instead of halves or fourths. so it does the whole numbers, plus .1-.9 :D

    To be honest, it doesn't matter how accurate the actual weight shown on the scale is. What does matter is how accurate it is for showing differences between the numbers. Most scales will weigh different, and you weigh a different amount all throughout the day. You can step on a digital scale 10 times and probably get 4 or 5 different numbers.
  • new_me_4
    new_me_4 Posts: 23 Member
    I brought the Weight Watcher's scale. I love it and I too agree that it is very accurate. I have owned it for about six months and it has not failed me yet. I like it because you can set it to keep track of your current weight, your goal weight, and your last weight. It even tells you how much weight that you gained or lost since you last weighed yourself. I brought mine from Kmart and I paid about $25.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I have a digital one Homedics I bought at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I think it was about $50. I just checked their website and didn't see it listed (the one I purchased anyway). I've had it for about a year & like it very much. It matches my MD's scale. Good luck in finding one you like.:happy:
  • I have a digital scale that I got at Walmart for $30. I couldn't even tell you the brand. I also weigh myself at the gym on the Dr's scale on a regular basis. The digital scale is pretty darn accurate. The only complaint I have is it tends to move in increments of .5 whereas the Dr's scale, you know, is more accurate. At the same time, the difference between the two is often no more than a couple of 10ths.

    You could just go and pick up a scale, keep the receipt and then weigh yourself when you are leaving the gym and then come home and weigh yourself while still in your gym clothes. That would give you some piece of mind as to the accuracy of your home scale. Return it if it is jacked up.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I have a commercial digital scale I have had for about 8 years. I got it mostly because I was so large, I could not use a normal scale.

    With that said, I do plan on buying one of the new types of scales that also monitor body fat as well as weight. Just have not decided which one to get yet.
  • I have an analog scale - the kind with the little dial to calibrate it and it rotates to the number. I used to have a digital scale, but my bathroom floor was uneven so it wouldn't balance - it kept displaying an error instead of my weight. I don't really trust my analog scale because it gets knocked out of calibration so often, but it's better than nothing. Maybe I'll buy a new digital one some day.
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    I have a Tanita scale that weighs to the half-pound. I am satisfied with it, even though it doesn't have all the bells and whistles. You can set it for man or woman and for height. It's good enough for me, and it does match my doctor's scale. I asked for it as a gift, and my daughter got it for me. I'm not sure, but I think it was around $40.
  • fanullona
    fanullona Posts: 82 Member
    thanks for all of the advice guys! i bought the weight watchers conair scale from kmart. i like it so far!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I have one that I will gladly give away....every time I get on it, it asks me to get off! Just kidding. I have a digital homedics and have been happy with it. It gives kinda funky readings when the battery gets low, but I guess all of them would do that.
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