Threw up? Count the calories anyway? Eat more?

So I must have had something that disagreed with me, because I threw up about an hour after eating dinner, but felt totally fine afterwards. How long does it take for food to digest? Do I need to count those calories anyway or scratch them and eat more to make up for what I lost? Or count a portion of them?


  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Don't obsess. Eat more if you're hungry or if you felt you threw everything up. I wouldn't change the logged food
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    After only an hour you probably didn't absorb that many calories, although it depends on what you ate. If it had a high sugar content then more of that is likely to have been absorbed.

    I wouldn't worry about it though. Only eat if you feel like eating (otherwise you may just throw it all up again) - drink clear fluids, and if you're hungry, then eat something that's easy on the stomach - the BRAT diet is often recommended, i.e. bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. If you can tolerate more foods than that then eat more, but take it slowly and pay attention to how you feel. Obviously don't eat loads and loads, aside from the calories that might just make you sick again.

    No point counting calories this evening, one evening when you're sick isn't going to make or break you in terms of success. Just get on with your usual diet tomorrow. Ignore tonight.