Facebook's replacement

Dafrog Posts: 353
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Use to log on with my phone all the time to check on the who's and what's of a bunch of strangers. Now I am happy to say that MFP has replaced the facebook drama and I don't miss it at all.


  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I agree I make sure I check in a couple times a day. I only log onto FB once a day to play my games!
  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    Yeah it's nice being positive instead of negative all the time, all that seems to happen on facebook is moan, moan, moan.
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I was just hitnking this myself. I check on facebook once maybe twice a day but i am on her off and on ALL day LOL
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    Its not just me then!! I use MFP everyday and hardly go on FB anymore - the topics on this site are my 2 favourite subjects - food and exercise! Not only that but its helping me lose weight too.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    I just talked about this in my blog yesterday!!! Yes I was horribly addicted to FB and now I just can't wait to log on to MFP! I enjoy seeing what everyone is doing, bad and good, because we are all linked under a common theme and it helps me push on!!!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Guilty party right here as well. MFP has definitely taken over as my newest addiction. Everyone is so great and supportive in all aspects of life, not just weight issues. If I did this on FB the naysayers would have me defeated inside a week.
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    I use FB for fitness too. I dont have friends/family on my list, just fitness experts, doctors and past Biggest Loser contestants that I really liked.
  • lol i used to come into the office and log into facebook before even checking my emails and now i dont even remember i have a facebook account lmao
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    I completely agree. I am on MFP all the time and I have forgotten to check FB several times where I will go a day or two without checking FB. I find the message boards on here to be so informative and motivating.
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    I maybe check facebook once a day if I remember it's there. I am on here constantly. There so many motivating and inspiring people here, how can you not succeed being a regular prt of this community!! And someone said it best, No Drama!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Yep! I'm on MFP all the time but only check in on Facebook a couple of times a day anymore.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Great post....Heck I dont even have a facebook but Im on here all the time
  • freeatlast20
    freeatlast20 Posts: 120 Member
    i log onto mfp first thing in the morning to catch up with all my friends and then im on and off all day to see what people have posted...this site is so much more motivational and the people you meet give you such support....you dont get that on fb...all you get on there is drama...and like one lady said...if you told people on fb what you share on here....they would have you feeling like dirt...not trying to lift you up....I love all my MFP friends......together we will do this!!!!!
    (only reason i get on fb anymore is to do my games....:-) )
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Wish I could do that.

    They needa hurry with the Blackberry app!
  • Neuroticwench
    Neuroticwench Posts: 115 Member
    Same here, I spend waaaay more time on MFP than I do on Facebook! Love it here! :heart:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I love it here too! Much better than fb. Everyone is so positive and it's nice to be friends with like minded people.
  • I totally agree! I used to be sooooo addicted to FB, but now I'm not even interested and would much rather log onto MFP to read success stories, encouraging blogs, and the best part is that I feel like a part of the group who is experiencing the same things through our weight loss journies. Even if I'm having a lousy day, I can log onto MFP and be able to refocus and get myself back into gear!
  • Same here! I check fb maybe once/twice a day, but at work, this is my home page! It is my motivation. If I have the page up all the time, it's a constant reminder. LOVE IT!!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I'm on here way more than facebook, feels so much more optomistic on MFP.
  • mmannequinn
    mmannequinn Posts: 55 Member
    i deleted my facebook months ago along with my myspace & honestly i don't miss it at all! I used myfitnesspal since i downloaded the app on my iphone almost a year ago and logged on and off but never used the website until recently (well since july) and i'm hooked! lol 2 of my favorite subjects food & exercise! I always have the screen minimized while i'm at work lol ;)
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