You and The Media

Good Afternoon!
So, I was have the tele on (due to my music being replaced one at a time...thank you virus...) and commercial after commercial comes on. One commercial... deep fried chicken... next- Victoria's Secret. I stare at commercial one drooling! Then I see the VS commercial.


On one side of the coin... it's a way to motivate me. The other not so much. I love food, though I have a hard time controlling myself. Especially when it comes to fried chicken. When that VS commercial comes on a little voice inside me says "You are never going to make it. You will never look like them. Get used to it." Best thing I've done myself since I went on this mission... turned it off. I got up and did some housework.

I know we all have our day to day challenges. Wether its that Hollywood commercial or the new girl at the office or even the studly gentleman down the block. You can one of two things. Use them as motivation or, if its brings so many negative thoughts-stay away. This is about you- not them. You are doing this for yourself. And you have friend near and far to support that! Lucky you!

Don 't try, just do. We are in this together.


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Focus on your goal. Everything else is just a distraction. Your goal is what you want to weigh at the end. Advertisements, the daily scale weigh-in, what your high school buddy looks like, TV, movies... etc. Don't let any of these things take your eye off the prize. Do this for you and no one else. You can do it. Good luck!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    The best thing I ever did for myself was start watching TV on Yes, there are still commercials, but only two each break (and if I could get my act together, I could get Firefox to block those). The past two months I've listened to people complain about the election ads...I barely knew they existed.

    I get the same way about watching actresses and models. I feel so crappy about myself because I'll NEVER look like that. Even if I lost so much weight I was model-thin, I don't have the right kind of features. And you know what? No one is going to walk around fixing the lighting and doing my makeup, or stick chicken cutlets in my bra or tape my skin back to hide my pudge. Actually, that would be really creepy if someone did do that to me.

    I like watching TV and movies, but it's entertainment. I don't want to feel bad about myself while I'm being entertained.
  • DevonC10
    I totally agree! I'm kind of built like a man. Barrel chested, big hands, big feet, and TALL! So, I know that I'm not going to be toothpick skinny... I just want to be healthy and my proportions to be right.

    Though, I think media is just plain cruel when the do that. :laugh: