any success stories of replacing normal drinks for water??



  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I grew up on nothing but an endless stream of kool aide, huggies, and soda. Seriously, nobody in my house really liked water.

    Sometime in my late teens/early 20s, after losing some weight, I decided to switch to water. Can't recall why exactly, but I did. One of the best health decisions I ever made. Does wonders for the skin and your overall feeling of well being. It was tough at first, not gonna lie, but I made the transition some 10 or so years ago so it's second nature to me now. A good 95%, if not more, of what I drink now is water. I've gone years without a soda or juice at various times.
  • EatwellLivehappy
    EatwellLivehappy Posts: 34 Member
    YES. It's a great idea. Although diet coke has no calories, the chemicals in it spike your blood sugar. When it drops again, it stores sugars into fat. Also, aspartame is poison. Just stick to water.

    If it's not that easy making the initial switch, try mixing some fruit water together and slowly take out less and less fruit until you're feeling good just drinking water.

    Good luck!
  • bamawards
    bamawards Posts: 10
    Cutting out sodas is what started me on my new healthier way of living. It wasn't even related to weight. I knew I was overweight, of course, but just figured I always would be because I had tried and failed so many times. But, I was having issues with my heart rate doing some funny things - tachycardia and what felt like some dysrhythmia. Scared me so much I had an EKG done (normal ranges on everything).

    So, I decided to quit caffeine. For context, I drank only diet sodas (sometimes regular) so I would average 4-5 a day. That's a fair amount of caffeine! I quit cold turkey. After one miserable week, I felt better than I had in years. Heartrate issues - gone. Started out drinking diet caffeine free stuff, but hated the taste so I switched to water.

    I never thought I could beat my soda habit. Once I did, successfully, I started to think about what else I could do. Re-joined MFP (after a failed attempt and re-gain a year or so ago) and have lost 12 pounds since I took up logging again.

    tl:dr Giving up sodas really sparked my new healthier lifestyle. I sleep better, and feel better overall. I say it can't hurt!