Looking for more friends!

I'm looking for more friends on MFP that are committed loggers that have good and bad days (the occasional glazed doughnut without the cardio to knock it out) that are as dedicated to utilizing this site as I am. Moms are always welcome (mother myself!) PLEASE no blank friend requests. Even a simple hello is good with me!


  • sisxena
    sisxena Posts: 47 Member
    I am very new to MFP but I log in everyday.....
  • Breena_Bean5
    Breena_Bean5 Posts: 105 Member
    I feel ya there! I eat ice cream just about daily, lol. I'm an honest logger for sure! I just deleted a bunch of people who weren't consistent or people who haven't logged in weeks. I'd like some new friends who are just as committed as me!! I'm a stay-at-home Momma to 4 wee ones (my oldest visits on the weekends but he's 9 which helps a butt ton!!) Any-who, request sent :wink: