Returning user looking for friends

Hi there! I've been on and off of here for quite some time now. After a very serious car accident, my 'healthy living' lifestyle I had been doing so well on totally fell apart. Spent months flat on my back taking medications and eating fast food. I quit my stand up job as well as swim instructor position and took a desk job instead. I still haven't gotten back to the gym even though I'm clear for simple exercise activities. It's mainly a lack of motivation by this point, I guess.

I joined Weight watchers before I went back to work (in December actually, right between Christmas and new years). I did well with them, mainly for the support groups etc.. Now that my boyfriend has returned to work, and I'm working almost full-time hours I can't fit the meeting times into my schedule that I'm working right now at my local WW place.

So, I've returned here. I have been successful at working towards a healthy weight and lifestyle on here before, and I'm hoping to work towards it again. However, I seem to be lacking in the friends/support category. My boyfriend and most of my friends have terrible eating habits, and while they mostly 'support' what I'm working hard to get back into there is always the inevitable someone just ordered a deep dish pizza with extra cheese and broke out the vodka.

I also have a 4 year old I want to be able to keep up with again. My lack of energy is....disheartening.

So I'm looking for some friends I guess. Really just anyone who is looking for a healthy lifestyle as opposed to just a scale number (though they are related, that much I am aware of). If you add me, I would love to actually hear from you! I mean, the friend list number is one thing, but I really would like to be able to swap tips, stories etc with some of you.

Relevant things I find interesting:

-Planting vegetables. I am TERRIBLE with this, if this is interesting to you I'd love to talk about it. If you are actually successful at it I'd love your tips.
-Family friendly excersize/activities. This is not a journey that I am ever alone in, and I'd like to include my son as well as any of my other 'family'.
-Recipes. Seriously. I love food. And I don't want a love/hate relationship with it. When I did have the time and energy to cook I made of TON of stuff that was good. If you have some good (and spicy) recipes, I'd love to swap.

Kudos if you actually read through all of that


  • Kismet0826
    My name is Tamara. I came across your post and have read it like 3 times. You sound a lot like me. So, here's a little about me and maybe we can help each other along.

    I'm married and have been with my husband for 14 years. Typical marriage, ups, downs, in betweens. Generally we're happy and wacky. We have an 11 year old daughter who is doing her ABSOLUTE best to turn our hair gray. I'm 40. Just turned 40 on Mother's Day and I still can't believe it, because I don't feel 40 or whatever I think 40 is supposed to feel like. I'm still a kid at heart...I just have bills and responsibilities.

    I have a typical office job that keeps me occupied between 7:30 and 4:30 (but I do answer emails!). I was working at another company 6 weeks ago and I don't even know how to describe it other than I was in despair and trying to eat my way to happiness. You know how those negative atmospheres can make you mental? I now have a new job (doing the same legal stuff) but in a great place and I've reconnected with a girl who I used to work with a million years ago. She is my inspiration. No kidding. When we worked together before she was heavy too, and now she's just not. She told me about MFP and although I was skeptical, I tried it... it's been 2 weeks and I've lost 10 lbs.... wait, WHAT?!?!? TEN POUNDS??? Are you kidding me???? And all I've done is watched what I ate.

    Now here's the kicker... I had a car accident when I was 25 and never healed properly, so I have constant back issues which has now metabolized into aggravating hip issues. But it's ok. Although I hurt REALLY bad some days... I still take the 2 flights of stairs in my office building. Because I am DETERMINED to get healthier. The first day here, I took the stairs and thought I was going to die halfway up. It took 10 minutes to catch my breath. Now I can "hurry" up the stairs and I'm not laying on the ground sucking wind through a straw.

    So, now that I've written you a book, if you're still with me... Add me. I'd love to have another friend on my journey to not going gracefully into the fat.