HORRIBLE Weigh In this week.



  • xexagon
    xexagon Posts: 3 Member
    I think there's something in a woman's psychology where they feel the need to eat a lot of dessert. If a woman can't have the real chocolate fudge sunday she'll eat the diet brand instead. It's probably some evolutionary need for comfort.
  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    i know the feeling, it truly sucks :( after going for almost a year with feeling severely discouraged and depressed when i see the numbers jump up on the scale like that, i've finally started to calm down, and realize that our bodies (especially women's bodies) go all over the place in terms of weight that is NOT actual fat gain. i weigh daily, just because i like to keep my weight constantly tracked. i've noticed a pattern with my weight loss over the last 4 or so months where in the course of about a month i'll plateau, gain a couple lbs, go down, go back up, and then all of a sudden show a steady drop 2 or 3 lbs. it's frustrating when i know that the whole month i haven't been eating at a surplus (or only had a couple of days where i at at maintenance), been doing my regular weight and cardio schedule, and not seeing any loss for weeks. but it's just how my body works! of course your menstruation/ovulation cycle will mess things up too! the lesson i've learned: just wait it out. if you see a gain, and you KNOW you have not been eating at a surplus, you can be confident that it is NOT fat gain. water weight/bloat can feel just as sucky as having extra fat, though, i know that. you just gotta get through it. drink more water and lessen sodium a bit to help combat it, but other than that, you just gotta be patient and keep on truckin'.