
Hello! I am a newbie to the game. I have been overweight for nearly all my life. I have been trying to lose that weight for years but so far have been unsuccessful. However, I guess I just have to keep trying. I also have a trek coming up in a month. Trek is an activity my church organizes that allows its youth to dress up as pioneers and pull hand-carts 20 miles a day for 4 days. It's our way of honoring our ancestors. I am definitely in no way ready for this and I only have a month to get in shape.

I would be very grateful for any friends to help motivate me to exercise and eat healthy! And I also would be grateful for any advise of how to get in shape for trek!

Thank you!


  • slimjame
    slimjame Posts: 128 Member
    Hello! Welcome to MFP :) - it is definitely a great first step in trying to get yourself on the right track. I am a little more than 10 months into my own journey and have lost 95lbs so far. I started at 271, am down to 176, and still have about 45 more pounds to go. This was honestly the hardest thing that I have ever done and looking back...I'm still shocked that I have come this far. I, too, have been overweight all of my life. It takes a good bit of time to see what your body best responds to in order to maximize your weight loss, but if you put in the work you'll be there in no time. It doesn't happen overnight, but you will look back and feel like it was just yesterday that you started. I don't have much advice on how to get ready for your trek that is in a month. I am sure that someone can recommend exercise routines or certain exercises even that can help you prepare. I can however offer advice on weight loss in general. No matter how slow it feels or how badly you do for a day (or weeks, or months)...don't give up. Keep logging, keep doing little bits of exercise, etc. I had an amazing streak. I was doing fantastic and then for some reason I just had a really terrible 2 months, but I never stopped logging and trying and feeling guilty. I firmly believe that is what eventually snapped me back into the swing of things.Just keep going and trying and before you know it you will reach your goals :).