Hoping to keep this weight off

Hey, my name's Cindy. I've been on this site on and off but now I am just hoping to stick to it. Right now I'm still at around 175 at 5'5 so I'm in the overweight category. I hope to get down to 150 sometime this year and ultimately reach a healthy 120-125
I'm recently getting over a breakup and realized how much I neglected my health in that relationship. I'm still kind of neglecting it by not eating enough right now but I do want to get my health back and confidence back. It'd be nice to make some new friends here. I love getting to know new people so feel free to message. See you all around.


  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! I'm going to send a request - I'd love to have more fitness buddies.

    And if you're just getting back into fitness and healthy choices, sometimes the little steps can make the biggest impacts.
  • isabliss
    isabliss Posts: 4
    Welcome back to MFP! I'm going to send a request - I'd love to have more fitness buddies.

    And if you're just getting back into fitness and healthy choices, sometimes the little steps can make the biggest impacts.

    Thanks for the request :)
    I agree with you