new and a little lost!

i've been working out FOREVER, but stopped seeing results, and someone suggested this site for tracking food/exercise. so far, it's great, but it seems it doesn't recognize Ab work ( no results) and the abductor/adductor thigh machine, while listing every possible speed of running! am i not looking in the right places? thanks!


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Although this is the best site EVER MFP doesn't have everything. Best bet is to use a HRM to keep track of cals burned and then create your own exercise in the exercise section. Then you can log them there. Good luck! :)
  • ElectricWoman
    ElectricWoman Posts: 8 Member
    For those types of exercises I usually just use "Strength Training/Weight Lifting" in the cardio section. I'm not sure how accurate it is because I don't have a heart rate monitor but it seems reasonable and is better than nothing.

    This is a great site so just keep logging and you will start shrinking. Good luck!
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    hey and welcome!
  • see_ruff_loose
    Sometimes you do have to be a little creative. The idea about creating your own exercise is a good one. Like someone else said, it's better than having nothing. I do a paper route and spend 2.5 hours jogging from my car to peoples' front porch. There's no exercise for that so I just use a slow 2.0 mph walk because the activity is not sustained for the whole 2.5 hours. I use 2 hours for the time frame. That gives me 401 calories burned. I feel pretty good about that. I try to stay on the low side so I'm not cheating myself but it gives me some extra calories in my diet. I try to not use them but they are there if I need them. I have only been doing this for under a week yet, but after I get an idea whether I'm meeting my loss goal then I will adjust if necessary.

    Just stick with it and don't cheat on the calorie tracking. Everything that goes in your mouth needs to be tracked. If you can't track it don't eat it or if you estimate then do it on the high side. If you aren't loosing then re-evaluate the way you are tracking the calories and exercise. The simple truth is that if you burn more calories than you intake you will loose weight. :smile:
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    When there's something I do that isn't in here I do a little googlefoo and then read what comes up to compare. Then if it sounds logical I use it (googled "calories burned with abductor")