Exersizing While Sick?

I've been sick a little over 3 weeks. It started with a stomach flu and transitioned into a head/chest cold that won't seem to budge! I took the first week off entirely (that was mentally excruciating!) Once the head cold settled a bit i started easing back into my exercise program (p90x and training fo!r a 5k that's in TWO WEEKS!!) I don't feel like I'm pushing myself too hard. I'm giving myself extra rest days when I feel I need them and giving as much as I can in the workouts withut ove.rdoing it. I would say about 80%. The cold will not let up. My energy is up a little but my jhead is in a fog and my chest and nose a are a little congested. should I keep doing what I'm doing or just stop until I'm completely better? I would hate to do that because my run is comimg up so soon. I would appriciate some kind advice. Thank you!! :D