i'm 5'2 and i weigh 210 i need advice

i'm a mother of 3 kids and i just need advice so i can start staying focus on my weight goal!


  • ketandnan
    ketandnan Posts: 9
    I really wished I had some kind of magical words of wisdom to give you, but all I have learn from years and years of dieting is two things you have to eat healthier SMALLER portions and EXERCISE EVERY DAY! and drink plenty of water. I had such an awful day Wednesday I was so darn hungry I could have eaten the whole house! I just broke and fixed me something to eat and went on the Church. The next morning I started looking over my past few days of meals and realized in order for me to stay full and not want to eat I HAVE TO have a substantial protein filled breakfast!! it seems this helps me stay in control all day! so next week I am going to watch and eat a hearty breakfast each morning and see how I do. I can be your friend and just encourage you on your journey for a better you and Mom for your kids! God Bless!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    What sort of advice do you need, hon?

    My tips for success:

    Get a scale and weigh all your food. Log EVERYTHING that passes your lips.
    Make sure you've entered your correct activity level - this helps determine your calorie allotment.
    Try to fit in a bit of exercise - it doesn't have to be huge, and you can lose weight without it, but it'll help you (and you'll feel great).
    If you have a bad day food wise, get over it - don't dwell and don't quit - tomorrow will be better.
    Don't give up. You're worth it.
  • Kimberly2324
    Kimberly2324 Posts: 5 Member
    thank you for to wise words i'm start staying on track and focus
  • When you buy food do you mainly buy what your kids like? If so try to buy a few things that you know your kids will like along with what you like and make healthy choices. If you like pizza try making them with English muffins sauce veggies and reduced fat cheese. Also eat some vegetables and fruits as snacks. One key to weight loss is drinking lots of water. Do you like Morningstar or Boca products because they have some really good subs for meat and they taste good too. I am a mother of 2 and sometimes I know it can be hard to focus on yourself when you have kids but when I have time I will write down my food and it will give me the confidence I need to stay on track. I feel you because I am 4 11 and weigh about 198. Heres a good recipe site you might want to try www.myrecipes.com or www.allrecipes.com reply if you would like more advice:happy:
  • Kimberly2324
    Kimberly2324 Posts: 5 Member
    yes exactly with my second child i lost all my baby weight plus 20 extra a total of 40 pounds and with my last baby it seems its harder to stay focus my last one is 15months n i'm just so busy with them but i miss being size 140 now i just want to push myself with being 135 i guess i do need to start changing the way i eat i need disipline basically
  • ikudbne12
    ikudbne12 Posts: 63 Member
    I started at 205 and i am also 5'2. Basically you just have to want to make the commitment... cause it is one of the hardest ones you will ever make!
    I was successful when i started logging everything... and i mean everything i put in my mouth!!! Even that diet coke (yes no cals but it does contain Sodium) and my vitamins! ;) Sticks of Gum, that one taste of a friends sugar laden beverage, those 5 cherries i grabbed to take with my vitamins...Everything.
    Also, i learned that '1 serving' is really not as much as i thought it was if i weighed the food instead of just measuring it... I was eating probably 2-300 more calories a day (which is alot for someone of our size) then i originally thought i was.
    I try to get some kind of workout daily... even if it is something as simple as walking around the block before going in the house after work. Every little bit helps. I don't take 'days off' What am i resting from... life? lol. Its not like i do heavy weight lifting daily but i do MOVE daily!
    If you have a bad meal or even a bad day... start again the next and move on. Don't let a few bad choices derail effort you have put in.. You are really only fighting against yourself.
    One last suggestion... remember this has to be a lifestyle change, it will not work if you consider it a temporary fix to a temporary problem. You will just end up back here asking the same question.
    Don't put limits on yourself either, just because you didn't lose that 10 lbs this month does not mean its the end of the journey! You lost 6 and that is still 6 less than this time last month! ;)

    Good luck! Feel free to friend me
  • uppitycowgirl
    uppitycowgirl Posts: 3 Member
    I used to be 4"11' but I'm 44+ and shrinking in height (compression). I am battling this with yoga 2x week. When looking at a picture of myself next to mom (76 and wickedly fit and strong), I was disappointed.
    I am right here with you, up from 110 lbs just 9 years ago.
    The first step is already done. You are committed and communicating. Posting everything helps keep on track. This is my second night without any alcohol and I'm so proud of myself. I know the cold beers and relaxing glasses of sophisticated wine contributed directly to my huge butt and rolls on my waistline, which USED to be tiny.
    My goal is to get a bikini body back by October, my 45th birthday and FLAUNT it in my river-going ex-friend's face. This is my second day working out, and everything aches!
    Keep your goals in your line of vision. Put a picture you don't like of yourself on the fridge. KEEP YOUR SCALE IN THE KITCHEN!!. Get rid of alcohol. Talk to yourself OUT loud! Make an exercise out of everything and tell yourself other people are NOT looking at you. They have plenty of crap to pay attention to besides you lifting the same bag into the car 5 times with each arm.
  • uppitycowgirl
    uppitycowgirl Posts: 3 Member
    Oh, I just remembered. My sis in law lost about 40 lbs and played a trick on herself. She would literally talk herself out of it--some of her favorite foods were fettucini alfredo and pizza
    "we're having macaroni and cheese, homemade, three kinds of cheese and cream. so yummy!"
    Her: "Ugh, sorry, I don't like that, just the smell of it makes me kind of nauseous, i'll just have some veggies"

    Daddy ordered pizza, mom, your favorite!
    Her: " eewww, pizza? uh-uh, no the greasy pepperoni makes mommy sick. She's going to have salad. You kids can have my two pieces"
  • BetterKimmer
    BetterKimmer Posts: 178 Member
    1. Only do things that you know you can continue for the rest of your life (or a really, really long time)
    2. Eat clean. Start researching cleaning eating and start to add in the easiest things first, then keep adding in, or subtracting out, more as you go along. Don't do anything radical, that usually backfires. Slow and steady changes add up.
    3. Weigh and measure food then log it in your diary. Keep track and be honest!
    3. Choose lifting heavy over cardio if you cannot do both. It's the old "muscle burns fat all of the time and cardio only burns while performing it".
    4. When doing cardio, perform HIITs (high intensity interval training) as often as you can. For a mom of 3, your time is precious. HIITs can be as short as 20 min and have a bigger impact than steady state cardio for longer periods.
    5. Set smaller goals than the ultimate goal you intend on. You'll see success more often and be encouraged to keep going.


    1. Don't trip if you have set backs or it feels like it's taking longer than you would like it to. Just get back to the program and KEEP GOING! :)
    2. Cleaning up and controlling your food is more effective than exercise. Actually, it is the most important factor.
    3. Scale number are only an indicator. Use it as a marker, but concentrate on how you look and feel about the size you are. Remember if you build any muscle, it weighs more than fat, but is more compartmentalized, or smaller.

    GOOD LUCK! :flowerforyou:
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Oh, I just remembered. My sis in law lost about 40 lbs and played a trick on herself. She would literally talk herself out of it--some of her favorite foods were fettucini alfredo and pizza
    "we're having macaroni and cheese, homemade, three kinds of cheese and cream. so yummy!"
    Her: "Ugh, sorry, I don't like that, just the smell of it makes me kind of nauseous, i'll just have some veggies"

    Daddy ordered pizza, mom, your favorite!
    Her: " eewww, pizza? uh-uh, no the greasy pepperoni makes mommy sick. She's going to have salad. You kids can have my two pieces"

    There's no reason to cut out favorite foods if you don't want to. Just eat in moderation or make your favorites using lower calorie (or carb or fat or whatever you need to reduce to make it fit your meal plan). The idea of mentally "tricking" oneself seems rather impossible--it's like trying to forget something (rehearsal makes a person remember, not forget). Your body know that you still like pepperoni or whatever, so over-eating that favorite becomes a distinct possibility later.
  • Thank you!!! That just helped me a lot!!!
  • FeistyGirl007
    FeistyGirl007 Posts: 18 Member
    > Your Sis-in-Law, Genius and clever! :bigsmile: Now that sounds like something I would do... Thanks for reminding me, lol... ( I honestly think I did do it and it worked! Because, eventually you really DO stop liking those bad things...As you get healthier, your palate changes and you naturally crave healthier foods...) :blushing: ( Unfortunately, I also have mercury poisoning/detox to deal with, which makes losing weight, twice as hard, for me now, unlike in the past... PLUS, I have the added bonus of forgetting things, thanks to the heavy metal/ mold toxicity in me, too, lol... Bleh! ) I am 5'3" and 205, so I understand... Oh, I miss those days when I was 135, looked great and I thought I was chubby, lol... :flowerforyou: p.s. Sorry, new here, trying to figure out how to post!
  • 00mid
    00mid Posts: 79 Member
    I'm new to this website, I've started by drinking plenty of water(7-8 cups a day). Eat clean, fruits, veggies and carbs so you will be full for longer and get active!