P90x Plyometrics calories burned

Hi I just started P90x. I want to log the calories I burned doing Plyometrics. I know that the best way is to buy a heart monitor, but right now I do not have the money. How do you guys log plyo. It is such an intense workout! Are there any ladies out there around my height (5'6) weight (164), and fitness level (beginner to intermediate), who have a heart rate monitor and have done P90x Plyometrics? If so, I would love to know how many calories you burned during plyo when you first started. I think this would probably be the best way to track my calorie burn until I can buy a HRM of my own.

Sorry I know this is a long-winded questions. Any help is much appreciated.


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    You can probably log it in as circuit training.
  • xfitness
    xfitness Posts: 2 Member
    Burns 1000 calories per 60 minutes.
  • pjp90x
    Hello, I'm doing P90X as well, and was in the boat you're in. I went to Yahoo answers for a solution. You will pretty much burn anywhere from 800 to 1000 calories doing Plyo for about 60 minutes, but the best thing is to get a heart monitor. Wal-mart has one for $27, and is the one I'm using. I also wear it at work, cause of some of the work I do, I burn a lot of calories.
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    i'm 5'2 186# and i typically burn around 500 during plyo... and i'm at an intermediate fitness level
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    It really depends on how fit you are for the calorie burn from a HRM! I NEVER once hit 800 to 1000 calories doing P90X Plyo and I NEVER burned that many doing INsanity workouts either and they make P90X plyo seem easy!!! My suggestion is to use the calorie burn from high impact aerobics or maybe the circuit training numbers, but invest in a GOOD HRM! Mt first HRM was a MIO and then I got a Polar F11 for a gift and it was set to my stats and I found out my MIO was NOT as accurate as I was "hoping" for!! Keep working it whatever you do!!!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I'm female, 217 lbs, hour of P90X is a little over 700 calorie burn. I use circuit training or high impact aerobics for the calories.
    When you're ready to buy one, Wal-mart has a Sportline hrm for under $30.
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    The past couple times I have done it recently, I burned around 600 calories. It's hard to get an accurate #, though, without wearing a HRM.
  • lskirvin
    Thanks guys for all the help. My plan is to get a heart rate monitor as soon as possible, but I am super broke for now. Your responses have given me a better idea of how to log it though. Thanks so much! Maybe If I hint around enough I can get one for Christmas.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I did it last night for the first time ... I am 160.6 lbs, 5'8" and burned 482 calories in 62 minutes. Don't over estimate your calories if you are eating your exercise calories though.
  • Onelongusername
    How are you guys determining your calories burned?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Burns 1000 calories per 60 minutes.

  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    How are you guys determining your calories burned?

    It's best to use a heart rate monitor.

  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    I think that the first time I did it after one year of being a couch potatoe, I hit over 1,100 calories. Now at about 600 - 700 calories....
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    For me, generally around 100 calories per 10 minutes, so just under 600. A bit more if I really push myself to exhaustion.
  • tslocum2001
    Doesn't it depend on your fitness level too? I know when I am starting a new workout i burn more than once my body gets use to it. I would get a HRM. I am 5'4'' and 162 and I burn about 600 at plyo
  • crazyduk
    crazyduk Posts: 1
    Hey everyone! I'm new to myfitnesspal and just did the same workout. I was at a loss about how to log it but found this post instantly with a google search & it was SUPER helpful. Thanks, everyone!
  • Patch_G
    There are a lot of posts saying that the P90X routines burn an average of 600 per session. So if like me your too broke after buying all the equipment and DVDs for a HRM just create a new exercise for the workout and enter the calories as 600. It's only a guide and sometimes puts your net count way down (I was on -109 today after doing ab ripper x and chest & back!!) I may seem high but as an average it will be a good guide as long as you've 'Bought It' in the workout!
  • QueChulaYo
    heart monitor at walmart for 27 dollars great..
  • AntonCast
    AntonCast Posts: 7 Member
    I didn't read through the entire thread but here is a website that might help.


    However, I agree you need a HRM the above website is just an estimate.
  • runningviolamom
    I am 5'5" and 116 pounds. My heart rate monitor only says 360 after an hour of PLYO. I am not sure that is accurate, it sure feels like it should be more. I am in pretty good shape, and as your shape increases your heart rate decreases for the same level of activity. (this means your HR monitor says less calories) However, as you gain more muscle, shouldn't you be burning more calories?