revitol stretch mark

is used when the pronoun is a subject West subject complement as you recall the most important word in any sentences the barbs now the subject love the barbs is the person place thing or idea that does the action deliver now when a pronoun is the subjective liver it should always be in this objective case a pronoun should also be in the subjective case when it serves as a subject complement now you might recall that there are two main types of worms verbs have action and verbs a bed when a verbal being appears in a sentence it is sometimes followed by a subject complement a subject complement is a noun or pronoun that refers back tithe subject of the verb and gives more information about the subject up the barbs when a pronoun is used in that way as a subject complement it should also be in the subjective case now we've mentioned before a number of that typical personal pronouns that are used the subjective case personal pronouns are as follows: all I you he shed it we and a all these pronouns are personal pronouns and all our in the subjective case so when a personal pronoun is being used as the subject of a verb more as subject complement one the personal pronouns from the list just gave you should be used because these are all the subjective case pronouns take a look at this example we moved to the United States three years ago what's the pronoun in this sentence well it’s the first word the personal pronoun we is the first word in the sentence what role does that word play in the sentence well it's the subject of the verb move the barbs moved describes the action being discussed in the sentence and we is the subject that's the person or persons were doing the action since we is the subjective the barbs moved the subjective case pronoun we is correct is another example the fastest runner on the track team she now hear the pronoun is the last word in the sentence she again it's a personal pronoun in the subjective case why in this case the pronoun she misacting as a subject complement the sentence contains a ver. which expresses not action but the state will be daily the bird is its explaining the state to be and the word she access a subject complement because it refers back to the subject in the barbs runner who is the fastest runner she so the subject complement she gives more information about that subject runner it tells who the