Food Binges

I know everyone on here is trying to watch their eating habits, but has anyone ate so much in one night consuming thousands of calories?


  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    nope, in the 12 weeks I have been dieting, I have had zero binges, zero days off from dieting, if it did not fit into my calories for the day, I did not have it, and it worked! Now with maybe a couple of pounds to go, I am ready to allow 300 more calories a day into my allowance, before beginning maintenance.
  • jerseygirl777
    My weakness is at night. I don't consume thousands of calories, but I have had times where I lost control. I once threw out a whole jar of peanut butter because I ate some, but then couldn't stop. The only way I could gain control was to throw it away (crazy, right?) So I learned to leave myself extra calories for the night time, and to avoid carbs during my night snacks. I have also learned that if I am craving something, to just have a small bit of it or else I will eat everything I can find because nothing satisfies my craving. And always remember, just because you fell off track does not mean you can't get back on! Tomorrow is always a new day! Good luck!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Have definitely binged, but not aware of how many calories I engulfed when I did. Too ashamed to log and started over the next day with lots of water and fresh veggies to get back on track. I hate it when it happens, but fortunately it doesn't happen that often. I can eat so well during the day, but being at home alone in the evenings can really be a beast. Something about that peanut butter jar and nutella sitting side by side in the pantry!
  • sheila1966
    Oh yes we all do it once in a while:explode:
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    My last binge was on pizza. eating 8 small, oily slices. dont even wanna know the calories. my guess was 1500-2000 calories. I guess once in a while ill snap and i resort to food instead of exercise.
  • 123gonnareachit
    your not alone
    although I eat alot, I do not binge. Never.
  • ariellespiller
    Oh wow, I'm positive I've done thousands of calories at once! Pre-diet, I would go to Cold Stone and get two different medium sized creations, and eat them both in one day...washed down with my favorite chips of course!
    For me, it seems to be better if I completely starve out the book I read suggested brushing your teeth when you're craving something, and it actually works.
    BUT today on the other hand...I came home from work and noshed while I was making my kids dinner. Then I felt guilty and went to the gym to work it off! Bottom line: the fabulous awesome satisfaction of eating tons of horribly bad for you foods is not worth the desperate guilt (and upset tummy) after you do. If you did it today, start over tomorrow. You can do it!
  • jerseygirl777
    My last binge was on pizza. eating 8 small, oily slices. dont even wanna know the calories. my guess was 1500-2000 calories. I guess once in a while ill snap and i resort to food instead of exercise.

    Also, maybe see what may have caused you to binge. For me, its stress! I think finding the basis for your binging is important because then you can try to find alternatives besides food.
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    i try to avoid it but some times it can be a chain reaction...i allow one sweet thing then i immedialty crave something i carry gum all flavors and everytime i feel like i need something i pop a few pieces of gum...try the Extra Key Lime Pie, IceBreakers Rasberry Sorbet, Trident even has Creamsicle...With the pepperoni pizza...i only keep lean cuisines or weight watcher ones which are excellent
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    A couple of weeks ago, I made a conscious decision to go to Wisconsin and treat my entire family to a really nice meal at a really nice restaurant (my oldest daughter's birthday). I ate rotisserie chicken, onion strings (like onion rings only pieces), spinach dip and corn chips, mashed potatoes, veggies, salad, etc. I know I consumed well over 3000 calories that night. I was proud of myself for making mostly healthy choices. The thing is, I did PLAN for this meal. I worked hard to reduce my weight prior to going on the weekend, and then worked out hard after I got back. I did NOT feel guilty because I knew I had made the choices to enjoy myself while still eating as healthy as I could.

  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I know everyone on here is trying to watch their eating habits, but has anyone ate so much in one night consuming thousands of calories?

    YES!!! I so have! Trust me when I say I understand. It's an almost uncontrollable feeling. You know you shouldn't continue eating but you can't stop. Been there.... Keep your head up and get refocused tomorrow!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    1 a month I binge and it is usually for the entire weekend (like ice cream, pizza cake bad bad food)...I try to not let it get to me and since I kinda know mine is coming the week before, I try to really stick to if not under my calories and drink alot of water the day before and day after...One or two days won't kill you.
  • nubreeze33
    I am positive i've done it, if it weren't so I wouldn't have weight issues I have definately had those moments of four and five slices of pizza, extra cheese, an extra scoop, a super size, blah blah blah. But there is something about recording EVERYTHING and not allowing yourself to get off the hook just because you mess up and do more, seeing it for what it is has helped me not binge. I've Just decided it's okay to be HUMAN every now and then and eat something that is on my 'now you know you shouldn't be eating that' list. I surround myself with healthy foods, so when i'm having a snack attack it may be something I know is a comfort food for me but it is modified, it may be whole grain, it might be no sugar added, It may not include fries with the burger and water instead of soda (totally cut sodas out btw), this way if I cut up atleast I made a better choice.

    Be good to yourself on all levels........
  • goldilocks007
    I know I have. I have eaten whole pizza's and half gallons of ice cream in one day, feeling sick to my stomach, still craving food and eating more. It is important to identify triggers. Avoidance (stress) and boredom are my 2 biggest triggers. Drink lots of water and eat lots of fruits and veggies the next few days until the sodium flushes out of your system. Be mindful that excess sodium can make you feel hungry and may trigger another binge. Look forward, not back. You've come a long way to let something like this deter you from your goals.
  • biankap7
    no, but i do over eat but not too the point of binging but trust me i want to on many occasions.
  • sudha336
    sudha336 Posts: 26 Member
    Yep, I agree, one binge triggers another, especially sweet. I have found that if I have bad food in the fridge/cupboard, I am tempted to eat them. So try and stack up your cupboard with only healthy stuff. And yes, I have had nights when I might have eaten a few thousand calories. For me it happens in a social gathering. And I am usually too scared to log it. it feels terrible though :-(
  • doramouse
    I know everyone on here is trying to watch their eating habits, but has anyone ate so much in one night consuming thousands of calories?

    YES!!! I so have! Trust me when I say I understand. It's an almost uncontrollable feeling. You know you shouldn't continue eating but you can't stop. Been there.... Keep your head up and get refocused tomorrow!

    We have all done it - or I would think. Sometimes it's just what we "need to do" but one thing I try to think about it why? I know when I do it that it's really "emotional" eating. Something is going on that I don't want to think about or deal with. For me it's fast food in the car so no one knows :) - But I"m working to change it. If you do it -don't kick yourself - acknowledge it and know that tomorrow is a new day.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    YEP! I'm a major binge eater...I've only had like 3 episodes since I started this a month 1/2 I think thats good...but at the same time...when I binge eat...its bad...I'm talking like a 6000 calorie day...if not more. And half the time when I do it its not just because I went out to eat...its just mindless drone eating...or eating to self sabotage.
  • Sparklewolfie
    Haha like every day this past week! Sometimes I can hold back and just have a small treat, but these last few days food would take over my entire mind! I walked to school cursing the lack of caramel here and just repeating "I want some freaking caramel" over and over in my head and imagining buying and eating a lot of caramel flavored things. I didn't mostly because caramel is not readily available and because food and drink is forbidden on the MRT/subway, which I had to take to school ^u^

    I think my trigger is boredom and depression/anxiety. I feel like I should be doing something, but I am not, and rather than try to go exercise or do something productive, I turn to trying to make myself feel as horrible as possible :grumble: Getting back on the health wagon now though!! Let's think positive :) I very nearly quit this site, but the number of positive people here made me decide to try harder, instead
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    Yes I have! And you have to just get back on track the next day. I try to plan for eating out at night. Going to Olive Garden is a "binge" experience only because of all the calories I am taking in, but I love the food. So, I will go all day without eating much and then usually it is a day we have walked around the mall or Williamsburg for 4 or more hours. So, I have burnt the calories I am going to take in. But, it is hard. I love cold stone creamery, but have been doing really well passing on the temptation. Had two chances last week and didn't take them. I would have gone, but had already eaten a big lunch. But, for true binge. I have done it. A whole chocolate cake in two days. A whole half gallon of ice cream in an evening. But, I am happy to say those are few and far between, but it does happen. Just don't beat yourself up over it. You'll get back on track.