Cutting back on sugar - weird new foods instead?

I've read Sarah Wilson's 'I Quit Sugar'. Does anyone who has reduced their sugar intake think you need to buy chia seeds and coconut in a myriad different forms? Or can I just stop eating processed foods?


  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    If you run why would you want to give up your affordable fuel and buy a load of expensive stuff?

    Your post makes no sense.
    WINEYINVA Posts: 75 Member
    Just don't eat processed foods period. personally the only sugar intake I get comes from fruit I don't buy weird things just eat clean natural whole foods meat veggies fruit and nuts
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    If you stop eating sugar or processed foods you'll obviously die of a processed sugar deficiency unless you substitute all kinds of exotic, expensive foods from the health food store. Sugar and processed foods all provide valuable nutrients necessary for life that you can't get practically anywhere else.

    Except of course they don't. Coconut is awesome, though. Just don't eat the shellacked flakes. Because shellac is a disgusting byproduct of an insect.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    If you run why would you want to give up your affordable fuel and buy a load of expensive stuff?

    Your post makes no sense.

    ^ This. Sugar is energy. Don't eat excessive amounts, and make sure you exercise. Touting moderation doesn't sell as many books as demonizing foods for whatever reason.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I haven't read it, but if you're reasonably fit/healthy, I'd suggest "instead" you find better less alarmist sources for your information.

    I haven't found any decent evidence that a reasonably fit/healthy person needs to avoid sugar.

    In general, if someone is worried about their health and they are not, they would improve it much more by doing exercise/losing weight than getting overly bothered by sugar intake.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I haven't given up sugar or processed food, or alcohol, but if you look at my diary up you'll see 80% of my food is unprocessed. I fast carb right up around my workouts. I take omega 3 and multivitamin and eat at least 8 fruits and veggies a day. It's cheap, and I have loads of energy.

    I bet I could beat Sarah Wilson in a race.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Just don't eat processed foods period. personally the only sugar intake I get comes from fruit I don't buy weird things just eat clean natural whole foods meat veggies fruit and nuts
    So, no bread? Why?
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Just cut down on excessively sweet stuff and you wont have to go through such extreme. I tried to go without sugar for one day and I was miserable!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Sugar (in its many forms) is a useful fuel source especially for runners. It's just another carb don't get pulled in by the sugar is evil stuff. Just eat a balanced varied diet and you'll be fine
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Every other Sunday morning I run a half-marathon distance along the Thames, without eating anything before I go or during the run. I manage this comfortably, so don't see the absence of sugar as a problem. It's not just about the food intake, although I freely admit I eat stuff my body is better off without. I've spent a lot of money on dental work to repair the damage caused by sugary foods (despite 2x daily brushing, fluoride toothpaste, regular checkups etc) and it really makes no sense to keep on damaging my teeth, and my health, further.

    I'm 1.63m tall and around 53kg so this isn't about weight loss.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member

    Just don't eat processed foods period. personally the only sugar intake I get comes from fruit I don't buy weird things just eat clean natural whole foods meat veggies fruit and nuts
    So, no bread? Why?
    He's lying.
    On just the first page of his diary there are numerous processed foods.
    Unless I missed the protein powder tree in natural sciences at school, anyway!
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    If you stop eating sugar or processed foods you'll obviously die of a processed sugar deficiency unless you substitute all kinds of exotic, expensive foods from the health food store. Sugar and processed foods all provide valuable nutrients necessary for life that you can't get practically anywhere else.

    Except of course they don't. Coconut is awesome, though. Just don't eat the shellacked flakes. Because shellac is a disgusting byproduct of an insect.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    Because I started my "lifestyle" change with insulin resistance, I watch my sugars and carbs. Seems the sensible thing to do, but I've never bought a chia seed or special coconut products or anything like that. I get a fair amount of sugar from "regular" foods like fruit, whole grain bread, veggies, etc. I limit my processed foods, but I'm not above an occasional chunk of chocolate or ice cream bar. A girl has to live.
  • rlengland2014
    rlengland2014 Posts: 98 Member
    What's so horrible about chia seeds?
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Unless you have a medical condition diagnosed by a DOCTOR, there's no reason to cut back on sugar.

    Despite what the hippies on here say, processed foods are fine. Now, I'm not saying eat it all day every day, but, if you want a sandwich made from packaged lunch meat, go for it.

    Eat what YOU enjoy in life, not crap fads you read on e-blogs and in magazines.
  • kerenelly
    kerenelly Posts: 61 Member
    I add chia seeds to smoothies/drinks, but not as any sort of sugar replacement? They help fill me up, they have B vitamins and other good stuff I'd like to add to a energy delivering smoothie...

    I think it's stupid when people say there's absolutely no point in cutting back on processed sugar.. It has a number of benefits, just as cutting back (i'm not saying completely eliminating) on all heavily processed foods does. And some people find it works for them, some find it doesn't.

    Just because you don't think it's necessary to cut back on processed foods, doesn't mean there's 'no point' to it or it 'does nothing'.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Every other Sunday morning I run a half-marathon distance along the Thames, without eating anything before I go or during the run. I manage this comfortably, so don't see the absence of sugar as a problem. It's not just about the food intake, although I freely admit I eat stuff my body is better off without. I've spent a lot of money on dental work to repair the damage caused by sugary foods (despite 2x daily brushing, fluoride toothpaste, regular checkups etc) and it really makes no sense to keep on damaging my teeth, and my health, further.

    I'm 1.63m tall and around 53kg so this isn't about weight loss.

    Ok. I don't think at your low bmi you should be doing un fuelled runs. When someone has a lower body fat percentage as you probably do (5'5" and 116lb, good running weight, but pretty lean right?), there's only so much body fat you can burn per minute. After your stored glycogen has run out from your muscles and liver, the body will be tapping into other sources for fuel. What other sources? Muscles, organs, bones get leached too, any LBM in fact. Is there a chance that includes teeth? Im not a doctor, but I'd hazard a guess that you dental issues are coming from under eating, and not sugar.

    Your performance will be enhanced greatly by eating 3 hours before you run. When you wake up your muscles are glycogen depleted anyway. There is a fantastic book called Racing Weight by Mat Fitzgerald that I recommend. It will get you eating.

    This book got me to a 21minute 5k after I'd only been running for 14 months, I am 43.

    The idea is to fuel efficiently before, during, and after for fast recovery, fast times, and great injury free health.

    Good luck!