He said what?!



  • mvlonergan
    mvlonergan Posts: 3 Member
    I hope you don't mind a guy responding to this. :-) First, don't lose your perspective. You said you wanted to lose two pounds per week, and you lost 7 pounds in two months. That's just under two pounds per week.

    Second, you set your activity level to sedentary but then you are being active. That puts a stress on your body because it's more of a caloric deficit than you need, and that in turn makes your body want to hold on to weight. That's on top of the stress of having a one year old. (I have two toddlers and I'm a very involved dad; young kids are HARD.)

    So be more forgiving of yourself. Base your calories off of a higher activity level but keep the 1-2 pound per week weight loss goal.

    Those two things yous said really resonated with me, because I did the same thing for years. I'd undereat because I wanted to lose more weight, or I didn't think I was really that active. Then I'd get frustrated with slow weight loss and go back to my bad habits. When I finally started being more realistic, the weight came off.

    Also remember your husband loves you. He sees you've set a goal for yourself and he's trying to help you reach that goal in the only way he knows how. I speak from experience here. You know that phrase, "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail?" We men are like that sometimes. Just remember it comes from a good place.
  • justjumpit278
    justjumpit278 Posts: 96 Member
    I glanced through your diary - seeing lots of cake, cookies, ice cream, candy... That may very well be your culprit. It looks like you have a good breakfast and lunch then fall at the end of the day. Just because that piece of cake or those cookies fit in your calories for the day, doesn't necessarily mean you should eat it. Try replacing it with a Special K 90 cal snack bar or piece of fruit if you're craving sweets. Or even one square of dark chocolate.

    If you're issue is having a sweet tooth, I can commiserate with you!! Believe me, if I could, I would eat cake and ice cream on a daily basis. It's just a matter of balancing and moderation.
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    he's trying to help you. don't get righteously offended, his suggestions are good!

    Me too. In my experience, many guys are solution oriented: you presented a problem to him, and he offered a solution. Maybe what you needed from him was acknowledgement of your hard work/frustration, but you have to be your own cheerleader :flowerforyou:

    Keep doing what you are doing. Someone suggested walking in the mall, I think that is a good idea. All the best xoxo
  • liz77095
    liz77095 Posts: 27 Member
    Yes I agree yesterday I had pizza and too much of it. But I normally don't do that as you will see.

    For my exercise I have been logging what Mfp says but sibce I read it calculates high I was only eating back half or less. A week or two ago I dropped my calories to 1400 (sedentry, 2 lbs per week). But regardless my net calories for every week have been below goal. (Granted I changed my calories)

    As for the weather I am not using that as an excuse as I go out every day but Houston is seriously humid in the summer. Hence I have been working out inside. We walk too but it is for short walks.

    What I wasupset about with my hubby us that I have been doing a lot of work to lose weight, it just seems like it is never enough. I lost 40lbs last year. For 2 months now I have been very serious about my diet. But honestly, do I really have to focus my entire day on it all the time? I count my food and my exercise and I thought that was doing enough. Yes...I had pizza. I logged it. I will work out again today. I highly doubt that being over on calories one day or two when I am doing a 7000 calorie deficit a week will prevent me from losing weight at all.

    I will work on adding more exercise. I will eat mfps 1400 suggestion.

    I really wanted him to just understand my feelings instead of telling me I am not doing enough.
  • liz77095
    liz77095 Posts: 27 Member
    I really do appreciate your suggestions and help. And looks like I should cut out my ice cream at night.
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    But honestly, do I really have to focus my entire day on it all the time?

    In order to keep the weight off we will have to do this for the rest of our lives, yes. You are doing great - feel free to add me as a friend if you need support and encouragement. I started at 225lbs and am now at 155, and I'm on here every day xoxo
  • trublutopaz
    trublutopaz Posts: 70 Member
    You might want to look at your sodium intake. Lots of the so called "diet" foods make up for lack of fat by adding sugar or salt (or both!) Salt is necessary to life,but the hidden salt in many foods can cause you to retain water. Since I have high blood pressure, this is important to me. I either cook with salt or eat with salt, not both. And I avoid foods I know are high in sodium-like most diet sodas. If you have been used to drinking coffee the caffeine can sometimes have unusual affects as well.
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    But honestly, do I really have to focus my entire day on it all the time?

    In order to keep the weight off we will have to do this for the rest of our lives, yes. You are doing great - feel free to add me as a friend if you need support and encouragement. I started at 225lbs and am now at 155, and I'm on here every day xoxo

    If by focus your entire day on it all the time you mean, "do I have to think before I eat", yes. But it does get easier. But you need to learn how to do it, and practice doing it, over and over. A great way to do this is to be diligent about logging your intake. No more quick-add calories. Log your food before you eat it. Pre-log snacks you know you'll have later in the day so you leave room for them. Eventually, it'll become second nature and it won't be so hard. But as it's a skill that you're still learning, it will be difficult for now.
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    I recently moved from Virginia to Georgia and it is hot and humid here as well. I still bicycle here, walk outside or even run outside. Just do it in the early morning.
    With a one year old, you can put her in a bicycle trailer and bike. It is fun for them and often he was even napping after a while. Just make sure you get an infant bicycle helmet for the little one. My son loved it when he was smaller and sometimes even asked for "going for a ride". That was encouraging. Even your hubby can join and you can make it a family exercise.

    Just keep motivated. My goal is as well 2lbs per week and I exercise hard for it and I am accurate with my logging. I "brown bag" for work, so I already know how much I will eat, because I log it while I am preparing it. And it is great if I didn't eat everything and can take things off the log :smile: .

    Also, I see a co-relation between my weight loss/gain to my sleep pattern. I work nights and often don't get the adequate sleep I need. I can see that with a toddler, you may have interrupted sleep pattern and not enough rest as well. When I am well rested I am also not as hungry as when I am tired. The body compensate the needed energy with food.

    As for your food logs, others have stated great ideas already and I don't want to sound repetitive. All in all you are doing great by already loosing 40lbs.
  • jjplato
    jjplato Posts: 155 Member
    Me too. In my experience, many guys are solution oriented: you presented a problem to him, and he offered a solution. Maybe what you needed from him was acknowledgement of your hard work/frustration, but you have to be your own cheerleader

    Absolutely! Men try to be problem-solvers. I have this problem with my wife occasionally. She'll explain something that upset her, and I'll think she's looking for advice on what to do, so I'll offer up a solution. Then she says she's not looking for advice, she just wanted somebody to listen to her problem. Men:Mars / Women:Venus
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    I haven't looked at your diary so I can't tell you to change your eating habits. But I would like to suggest the (if it fits your macros) way of eating. It means keeping a close eye on what you eat but it allows for pizza and ice cream.

    One other thing to consider is that you are only a month in. You've changed the way you eat, that leads to water changes in your body. You've started exercising, it causes water retention as your sore muscles heal. Is it your time of the month? It cause water retention..

    Please give your current routine another couple of months before you decide that it's not working. A reasonable and safe weight loss is NO more than 1 lb a week. And remember that weight loss isn't even. You may see a couple of weeks of no change and then see a big loss all of a sudden.

    You are doing great. Just give it time.
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    Another option is to track not just weight but a few key measurements. I track waist, hips, right thigh (put the measuring tape 2 cm above your knee so you get the same spot every time), bust and bicep. I do not know what the Jillian Michael's workouts are like, but I know for me, aside from running, just about everything changes my composition first before the change starts to show up on the scale. But it was really showing up on my measurements.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Men have a tendency to think, "If I solve this problem for her, she'll be happy. I want her to be happy, so..." And honestly, I got my husband to understand that I wanted support rather than solutions, and then I started to miss his solutions - he has some really good ideas, if only I would appreciate them!

    BTW, I also live in Houston. I like to strap my baby on in a summer-weight carrier and go for a walk first thing in the morning. It's still warm, but not nearly as miserable. I also know lots of people who go walking at the mall. If you live on the west side, Katy Mills is excellent because it's a big circle.