Needing motivation!!!

So I am new to MFP and have been on a 1200 calorie a day diet since September. I have had great success so far, but the progress is beginning to slow considerably which is making it VERY hard to feel good about what I am doing! With the holidays I am terrified I will just blow it and put the 36 pounds I have lost back on! Is it normal for it to start off so great and then slow down? And does anyone know anything about phentermine? I have also been taking that once a day, but am going to start weaning off of it after Thanksgiving. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!!!:ohwell:


  • sdscouser
    Hi there, you have certainly come to the right place. People here are so helpful and supportive. Grab yourself some friends with simialr goals and good luck with your journey
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I lost weight through the holidays last year. What I did was limit myself to one cheat day a week where I didn't even log my calories. I ate bad on the holiday itself but I ate well every day in between. It can be done. Just keep your goals in mind.
  • chrissylyn19
    It is COMPLETELY normal to have lulls in your weight loss--it probably means you need to "mix it up" a little. Try less carbs, more protien for a week--or a different exercise in the evening instead of the morning?...I have had many lulls, they stink, but when the scale moves will be worth it!! You are doing great so far, also don't let the holidays scare you. One day, or even a week for that matter of bad eating will not put the weight back on, just remember to enjoy the holiday, and get right back on when it's over =) good luck!!
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    congrats on the weight lost. u mentioned that you was taking meds., not sure about the affects of weening off them, i took them breify also stopped abrubtly, because i couldnt handle the way they made me feel. reminded me of the feeling that i got from meth and made me crave a higher level of that feeling. I know they can curb you appitite, so be careful when you come off, if you have been skipping meals then you might binge eat. You can do anything if you put your mind to it.
  • jennicain
    Thanks for the encouragement and advice! I am feeling a little more positive now. :happy: I feel pretty good about getting through the holidays. I have lost 37 pounds since September 7 according to my scale (which was considerably off last time I was at the endocrinologist) so I am doing great and feeling amazing. I never really did eat much so I am not really concerned with binge eating, or even with cravings or appetite control. My mail concern is feeling sluggish and losing energy when I wean myself off of the meds. I have decided to cut my dosage on half after Thanksgiving. If I continue to progress the way I have then I will have to go off of it by the first of the year completely anyways and reach my goal the rest of the way myself. I am hoping to find a success story where someone else has started out using meds and then kept the weight off on their own. All I know is that if not, I am determined to be the first!