Is 2 hours of exercise 4 times a week enough?

So far, my exercise routine is as follows: i have 2 full rest days and 5 days of exercise.

Monday: 6km run with 4 km brisk walk (total 10km and about 1h 45 mins) plus stretching for 15 minutes

Tuesday : 2.5 hours field hockey training (lots of physical training meaning long runs, agility, conditioning and sprints)

Wednesday : rest day

Thursday: 2.5 hours hockey training same as Tuesday

Friday: 1 hour walk (burns around 170-200 kcal depending on how fast I walk)

Saturday: 6 km run with 4km walk and 15 minutes stretching

Sunday: rest day

That's my current routine but I feel like 2 full rest days feel a bit much. I'm trying to do a bit of conditioning and strength exercises on Sundays ( for example push ups burpees crunches planks etc for about 30 minutes.) i tried to do the strength workouts today but I just didn't feel like my body wanted to workout and I'm usually really hyped up to exercise, like my body will 'itch' for a workout I don't know how to explain this feeling but I exercise because I feel like I have a ton of energy that I need to release that day... Today just wasn't the day probably because I'm trying to force myself to exercise in the morning after a night of 10 km. I usually exercise in the evening because I feel like I have the most energy then. But tonight I have a family dinner at some restaurant so I wouldn't be able to exercise today if I were to do it tonight. Should I still push on and exercise today?
Or should I let today be a rest day and go back to my routine tomorrow with the addition of the conditioning that I had planned for myself today?


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Enough for whom? What is your goal? It is for sure way more exercise than what the average person does, and more than in enough to stay in great shape, but it might not be enough if e.g. your plan is to become a professional athlete.
  • fangmouse
    fangmouse Posts: 119
    Oh my goal is to stay fit and in shape. I've seen lots of people training hard daily on instagram and all and I guess I feel that I'm obligated to exercise as much to lose fat and develop a little muscle tone.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    I would say that it's more than enough. Take example folks doing 20, 25 or 30 minute workouts for four or five times a week and lose weight.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Stick to something that will be sustainable long-term :smile: if that is what you are currently doing, keep doing it. If you feel like you could do more, do more.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    Listen to your body! You might also consider replacing some of that running/ walking with weight training. Adding weights without reducing your cardio would more than likely be too much for adequate recovery.
  • katfit52
    katfit52 Posts: 2 Member
    hi you do what feels right for you ,doing to much is counter productive. research has proved that 30 mins 3/4 times a week is enough more than that does not have much effect. your body can only do so much , after that you are likely to get injuries . I am a retired fitness instructor. I am 62 and I do 45 mins zumba 3 times a week and 45 mins aqua. so the answer is yes you are doing enough but in order to lose mor or tone more you need to challenge your body . this means working different muscles on different days.its good to do cardio one day and conditioning the next. for instance a really good way to burn calories and tone is to do a weights based class such as body pump . hope this helps x
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Monday: 6km run with 4 km brisk walk (total 10km and about 1h 45 mins) plus stretching for 15 minutes

    Tuesday : 2.5 hours field hockey training (lots of physical training meaning long runs, agility, conditioning and sprints)

    Wednesday : rest day

    Thursday: 2.5 hours hockey training same as Tuesday

    Friday: 1 hour walk (burns around 170-200 kcal depending on how fast I walk)

    Saturday: 6 km run with 4km walk and 15 minutes stretching

    Sunday: rest day

    Assuming that the field hockey is squad training and you're aspiring to the team anything that you do really needs to be complementary to that.

    I'd questions why you have two run/ walk splits, rather than just 10K runs, but given that volume of activity two rest days probably seems about right.

    With that in mind, and an intent to do resistance training as well I'd suggest swapping out the Friday walk for a resistance session, on the basis that you're doing some resistance training at the hockey training.