Do flat fizzy drinks cause bloating?

Hey, so I know if I drink something fizzy e.g. Diet Coke it will cause bloating. However if I let it go flat (aka let all the bubbles get out), will it still cause bloating? Follow up question: if I open the cap just a little bit and put it in the fridge, will it go flat? Because I want to to be flat but still be cold. Thanks!


  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    That will make it go flat but taste disgusting.
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    That will make it go flat but taste disgusting.

    I like my soda flat, but I guess that is a personal thing. No idea about the bloating though. I never really noticed.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    That will make it go flat but taste disgusting.

    I like my soda flat, but I guess that is a personal thing. No idea about the bloating though. I never really noticed.

    Flat sodas make me nauseous. I know some people that like theirs flat as well, i find it kinda weird lol. Diet soda makes me bloat but regular doesn't.
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    I have a lot of weight the last 2 months by not having a pop of any sort. Unsweetened tea is my friend!:smooched: