Think I hurt my achilles' tendon on back of foot

cherdan Posts: 162 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
So, I walk very intensely for 1.5-2 hrs, 5 times a week. The other day I was just hit with this HORRIBLE pain on the back of my right foot, more near the top, where my shoe begins. I don't know how it happened.. I don't think I push myself that hard, but lately, I have been having soo many problems with my right foot.. deep blisters, sore bones, and now, this. When I arch my foot up and down, you can hear all the fibers/tendons in the back of the foot.. this cringe-incuding, stretching sound.
Has anyone else ever had this? How long til I can walk again, intensely? (exercise mode)? I waited a day and then tried to walk today.. couldn't do it; in such pain. This is so saddening/frustrating :(


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    If your body is not used to all the work, you could have overstretched your Achilles tendon. I did that in middle school when I was on the track team. You usually need to rest it as much as possible until it is able to heel. I was off running for a few weeks because of it.

    However, I am no clinician so I can't really tell you what is wrong. Perhaps go to a doctor or a running shoe specialty store (they tend to be decently knowledgeable about foot problems related to exercise, not a sports store, but a specifically running shoe store).
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I feel for you, had that happen to me a few months ago. Make sure and rest it.
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    Get off of it!! Take an anti inflamatory like Advil everyday for 3-4 days. For the first 72 hours after you pulled it put ice on it and VERY GENTLE stretching. After that you can alternate ice and heat. After the heat, stretch it gently. If it's pulled you should be able to resume at a moderate pace in about a week. With all that said, if you can't walk on it at all...get to the doctor. An untreated tear could mean surgery. But more than likely it's just a pull. Just take it easy as you can easily turn a pull into a tear.

    ( husband just had the same problem 2 1/2 weeks ago. He's finally back to running again).

    good luck and get better!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    What kind of shoes do you walk in? Perhaps the shoes are contributing (I'm just thinking this, because you mentioned blisters and other issues). As someone who used to work through the pain to the point of disaster, I'd echo what others have said and rest, ice, advil for a few days. If there is no improvement, see a doctor, physio, etc. and maybe check out your shoes, too. If you can't walk, might as well head straight to the professionals for advice. Achilles tendon is nothing to mess with, so better to catch and treat any issues early.

    I SO understand the frustration. I ran through an injury for TWO MONTHS, because I just didn't want to see a doctor and be told to stop running for X weeks. I wish I had listened to my body, because at a certain point, it shut down and forced me to listen, but it was too late then. I wish I had gone to a doctor right away, so I would have had a few weeks of rest instead of, well, years of struggling. I wish I had seen it as an opportunity to take swimming lessons or develop a rockin' upper body with lots of upper body workouts.

    I think there are a lot of us who understand the frustration of an injury. But, don't panic, just take care of your injury and it will heal and you'll be up and walking again in no time. Good luck!!
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks, all. I will just wait this out, and see the doctor if it does not subside
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