How to up my calorie intake without gaining weight

I have been dieting for a few months and lost 22lbs. I've gotten into the habit now of eating too few calories. A normal day for me consist of breakfast: a half of grapefruit Lunch: a bowl of fruit Dinner: 4oz grilled chicken and a sweet potato snacks: 100 cal pack of almonds....totals about 600 calories. I know this is bad, but for me its either I eat like this or I overeat on pizza and fired foods. Oh and I exercise everyday burning 400-500 calories. Im trying to up my calorie intake to 1200, because I've been stuck at 149lbs for a week now. How do I increase calories without gaining weight due to my metabolism probably being shot? Should I just stop exercising?


  • nomnompixie
    nomnompixie Posts: 5 Member
    I have been where you are many times, and it sounds scary to up your intake, but one time went from 500 calories to 900 to 1300 calories within a week under the advice of a nutritionist and somehow lost 2 pounds. My advice would be to add protein in. It will speed your metabolism and repair any damage that has been caused by your low intake. Maybe eggs at breakfast, or tofu if you're vegetarian, and then lean meats added throughout your day, again, assuming you eat meat.

    Pizza and fried foods sound like they are binge triggers for you. Try not to add calories with unhealthy foods, stay clean until you feel that you can eat a treat without overeating. Try avoiding artificial sweeteners added sugars and just general "Franken-foe"
  • YearsWorthOfFAT
    If you want your metabolism to become normal again you have to overeat for a while, because keeping it at a deficit won't make your metabolism any better. At least, that's what i did. You're eating dangerously little. Try building it up? Because suddenly eating 2000 calories instead of 600 HURTS and just makes you ill. You don't HAVE to overeat on pizza or fried food every time you eat a bit more. Whenever you pick up the phone to order some, you have two minutes to change your mind, so use those two minutes.

    Eat yoghurt instead, eat vegetables instead, there are a lot of things you can eat. You don't need to stop exercising if you want to, but you shouldn't over-exercise either.
  • nomnompixie
    nomnompixie Posts: 5 Member
    They're right about needing to eat over for boosting metabolism, but be warned. DO NOT EAT A LOT RIGHT AWAY! It is extremely dangerous and you can die, slowly build up to more food. If you have been eating so little for a while you can get something called Refeeding syndrome. It usually happens to people with eating disorders here in America, but it can happen if Yu just accidentally eat far too little as well.
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    only up your current intake by 100calories a week at MOST...
    you have to do this slow and steady, if pig out or eating say 500c more than your current intake YOU HAVE FRIED your metabolism, and put it in complete shock, your body takes those calories and immediately stores them as fat in worry you will be in another defecit... peoples metabolism are wrecked when they do this,

    so slowly add calories, and stop when you notice your maintaining.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    If what is posted is correct and you have been eating this little for a while, then it is time to talk to a dr, you are describing an eating disorder and you will need medical help. Good luck.
    And definitely you do not have the luxury of playing with small calorie increases and going from 600 to 700 or continuing to exercise with this intake. Please see a dr and step away from the internet. Unless we are talking about habits of a week or two, but I did not get this impression
  • tulosai
    tulosai Posts: 20 Member
    I agree a doctor (ideally) or at a minimum a nutritionist needs to be seen, and seen asap. Like, tomorrow if possible.

    I would up your calorie intake by at least 200-300 calories immediately, and then go by what the doctor and/or nutritionist recommend as a further plan.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    See a doctor and explain your problems with your relationship towards food and take it from there.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Try to increase your calories slowly by adding 50-100 every week. I know it may seems really hard (Trust me, I've been through this), but it gets easier. It's a little a little treat, like chocolate, some ice-cream, granola & yogurt or something that you love.
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    And yet...eight hours after you posted this thread you started another one asking if you should cut your calories even further so you don't have to do cardio.

    Get help!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    And yet...eight hours after you posted this thread you started another one asking if you should cut your calories even further so you don't have to do cardio.

    Get help!

    Haha lol thanks for helping my sanity. Cos I was about to post WTF this thread is bull****!! You've been stuck at a weight for one week OP. Weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you'll retain water and gain five lbs, other weeks you will lose 0.5 or 3. Eat some food and please stop this 100 net calories nonsense!!